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Posts posted by WilcoTheologian

  1. So here is my list, and I am sure people will definitely disagree with my order haha. But I have arranged them in order of replay ability. At least to my ears. So the number one album is the most played, while the number 10 is the album I have the most trouble playing on a whim. I love every Wilco album, I just prefer a record that I can digest in one sitting, or on a car ride. So that's me! Here is my list, 1 being my favorite, and 10 being my least favorite (which is still epic cause it's Wilco. Duh.)


    1. Being There ( I listen to this album the most often for sure. I get in the car, realize I want to hear Wilco, and easily select this as my first option. I love every song, and know that a lot of fans agree! Since most Wilco concerts I've been to get a rousing cheer for any song off this album.)


    2. A Ghost is Born (I do not listen to this album as much as the other top 5 on this list. But I just love it so much. From Hell is Chrome to The Late Greats, this album is my brain performed by Wilco. Good for the days I just want to sit down and digest a complex record.)


    3. Schmilco (On the first listen I was not that excited. But after a week of listening to this album it quickly moved up my list. I love early Wilco, but this album is definitely an incredible work of art. I did not like sukierae too much, so I feel like Schmilco is the album I wished sukierae would have been.)


    4. Star Wars ( Once again I did not really like this album on the first listen. It was so unWilco to me. But after a year this album is go to road trip music for me. I can lsiten to it over and over without getting tired of it. Plus it's the only album all of my nonWilco fan friends enjoy.)


    5. A.M. ( I am always surprised when People list this album so low. I love A.M. so much! I used to not though. I was not a country guy, and I'm still not. But over the years I have enjoyed folk music more and more, so this album grown on me!)


    6. The Whole Love ( I do not listen to this album often, but when I do it is epic! The first Wilco show I ever went to was for this tour, and that show hooked me imedietly. I love this album, especially when the pull out these songs in concert! Art of Almost is my Oh Yeah! Concert moment.)


    7. Wilco The Album (My dad had been a Wilco fan forever. I was never into them, or really never gave them a chance. So when I was at the library I saw this on the new relases rack and grabbed it for my dad. Of course I fell in love with Wilco that night and have enjoyed it ever since.)


    8. Sky Blue Sky ( This is probably my least listened to album. I enjoy it, but after awhile I wonder is this still playing? Still a great album, but not my go to for sure.)


    9. Summerteeth (Feels a bit dated to me. But my sister loves this album. Maybe that is why I never listen to it haha.)


    10. Yankee Hotel Foxtrot (This album probably suffers from hype syndrome for me. I enjoyed it the first time around, and love Jesus Etc. Probably my favorite song. But I just never listen to it. It's too noisy and in your face for me. I love the songs live, but have trouble getting through the album. I am probably the only Wilco fan to think this way! Haha)



  2. I've had a few friends here and there tell me they just "can't get into" Wilco. My response is always to say, "I bet somewhere in their catalog there's an album worth of songs that would get you on board." Not really a description, but it has always worked to make them give the band another shot and usually me a chance to make a Wilco mix. :)

    My younger sister has told me that "Heavy Metal Drummer" is the only song she likes by Wilco. I've never gotten around to making her a mix. :P

  3. I read this somewhere and agreed with it completely. 


    "Someone asked me about Wilco and I gave this explanation. There are these good bands and I really like them, then there are these great bands and I love them. Then there's Wilco, and I listen to them and it just settles in my soul."

  4. I was looking through my cars CD's before I left for school, and tried to decide which album to listen to while drudging through traffic. After passing on a few Phish albums, I saw Star Wars at the bottom of the stack. I put it in, and smiled. My opinion when the album came out almost a year ago was meh. Now I actually rather enjoy it. 


    In my opinion I feel like (because of its length) it's more of an EP. At least in my brain. But I do enjoy the album. It feels like a whole different Wilco than I've ever heard. With the odd titles and interesting lyrics, the album is almost whimsical. And since it is rather short, it is easily consumed in a short car commute. Now if I am road tripping, or sitting at home, I would rather listen to Being There or A Ghost is Born. But Star Wars has really grown on me this past year,


    TL;DR: What are your thoughts on Wilco's Star Wars?

  5. I've occasionally seen and heard negative opinions on the Wilco Album. I'm just curious as to why you feel that way? It's certainly not their worst album, in my opinion. First of course, this album was my very first Wilco album. My father was always trying to get me into Wilco, but I wasn't really interested. So one day at the library, I saw Wilco (The Album) under new releases. I grabbed it for my dad, hoping to surprise him. He had no idea a new album was even out. While waiting for him to come home, I decided to listen to the album. I fell in love instantly! And the rest of the night was spent going through my fathers CD's and pulling out every wilco disc. That's the day I discovered Wilco. That being said, I've always been so surprised when I hear fans speaking their dislike of the album I do fondly enjoyed. So here I am, just wondering why you do or do not like Wilco the Album? For the record my favorite album is probably A Ghst Is Born. But I still thoroughly enjoy WTA.

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