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Everything posted by somebodyanybody

  1. Awesome, thanks so much for checking it out. Even if you can’t donate, please, it can help just to share this as much as possible. Thanks, wonderful people!
  2. Hi all. Sorry to sort-of solicit on here, but I wanted to get as many eyeballs as possible on this tragic situation. A friend of mine (and big Wilco, Nels Cline, Autumn Defense, etc. fan) became completely paralyzed from a brain-stem stroke the day after I was at a concert with him. He has normal consciousness but is trapped in his body and needs help to fund his rehab. He has a wife and two young children and the situation is terribly sad. Anything can help if enough people can chip in even very small amounts. Thanks so much for looking. https://www.gofundme.com/fightforduncan
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