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About WYMtnMama

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    A Cherry Ghost

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  1. PW--so glad to hear Tier 2 was having a great time! I also appreciated Bird/Base-- I love hearing it performed live every time. Thanks for chiming in and sharing your experience! Cheers!
  2. Thanks Paul! I was wondering when someone would begin the debrief on this mellow, but ultimately enjoyable evening. Alas, any evening with Wilco is better than one without. I've been lucky enough to have multiple decades of live Wilco in my history, and this was certainly one of the most reserved crowds (and venues) I've ever attended. The number of people sitting outnumbered those standing (and certainly dancing), and the ushers, while kind, were determined to keep people's extremities from dancing outside of their assigned seats. I wanted so desperately for SLC t
  3. Thanks Paul! Nice to see you made it out. What a terrific night and what felt like a return to normal after the past couple of years. Loved the intimacy of the venue and opportunity to boogie up front with so many familiar faces. Did anyone pickup on a Morning Dew'esque teaser maybe during Many Worlds (coda only)...? Or somewhere around there? Pat stole my heart once again and lit up my dancing shoes (and always does after all these years)... It had been a year since I caught shows in Eugene and Oly last fall and certainly filled my cup. Se
  4. Hi All, We're trying to secure tickets to see Jeff at Largo in LA in December. Either solo or with the band. We're looking for 3 tickets so we can take our youngest son for the first time. He's been patiently waiting to finally get his turn! Any leads will be appreciated. With gratitude.
  5. Hi Friends, Looking to bring my son to his first show & wanting to be close so he can feel the magic. Anyone have 2 in the pit they're looking to sell? Fingers crossed!
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