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Posts posted by kamera

  1. I received the Sky Blue Sky songbook this afternoon, which contains chords and tab for every song on the record. Somehow I missed that this was coming out, but it was released October 1 and is available at Amazon (doesn't appear to be available at wilcoworld yet). As far as I can tell at this point, the book contains tab that appears to be very accurate (and it certainly sounds that way to my ears). After just an hour or so of noodling around with it, I highly recommend it.


    Thanks for the information, Mountainbed! Does the book contain solos, and the fingerpicking for please Be Patient With Me, etc.? (or simply chord names and forms?)


    Thanks! :worship

  2. Is there a middle class that still exists in the US? I think a lot of people think they are MC but are really poor...like myself. I'm always a little confused on how you determine it.


    I clear abour $4.5 million a year (rough estimate...at least that's what my accountant/caddie tells me), so according to McCain, I'm middle class.

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