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Posts posted by Alisa

  1. C'Vill = Charlottesville

    Funny i am picking up on the local lingo after three weeks I feel like Virginia is my home already. I lived in Florida for almost a year and I never considered it my home.

    I have no money otherwise I would go to east wind for awile to see how it is like there but my mind is set on twin oaks for my ultimate goal.

  2. I lived in modesto moved to orlando FL in march. I am applying to Twin Oaks. Them and East Wind were founded by the same person (Kat Kincaid) so there sister community's. They were both based on the book Walden two (by BF Skinner)and income sharing. Twin Oaks is known for being the second hammock producer in the US and has a small line of tofu. There is also a small 15 person community also founded by Kat a few miles away called acorn. They run a seed company called southern exposure. If i don't get into TO I will go there or another smaller community in C'Vill. Eather way I am staying in Virginia and going to keep trying to get in.

    I hate tofu though

    also the local radio station plays wilco :thumbup

  3. I can't go into too much detail at the time but I have recently applied to live in a intentional community (otherwise known as a commune) in Virginia. I had to go through alot of bureaucratic bullshit and there is a chance I might not get in due to health problems. There not severe but the commune had some bad cases in the past and are gun shy about letting new members in. There is a chance I might not get in. If I don't get into the one i have in mind I will try another one but I really want to get into my first choice because I love the environment/people. For the first time in my life I feel like my life is going in the right direction. So if you can cross your fingers for me and hope I can charm my way in.


  4. Not that It would help but I am planing to go as Bob Dylan this year. I was trying to get my ex boyfriend to go as George Harrison and get some random person to go as Tom Petty but he didn't go for it. He is ending up going as Abraham Lincoln if he can find a hat.

  5. I been taking Antidepressants for awhile. Everybody is always knocking them but I think I am better off taking them. I was severely depressed took anti depressants then went off them thinking I was fine. Well a few months later I was more worse than before ended up hospitalized. I am back on them and back to my normal self. Only you can decide if you need them or not. Keep talking to you councilors if you feel like you don't need them therapy is a good rout. Alot of people think SSRi are evil and over prescribed but yes they do help for people who need them and people have to use there own judgment and not family, doctors or media.

    There are also alternatives like natural medicine spending time with a pet whatever makes you feel good.

  6. The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky

    I really am the only person who didn't like that book but loved You Don't Know Me by David Klass

    Anybody who has read the babysitters club books when they were younger they have re released them as graphic novels there short but fun and cute.

    I loved the Alice series by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor and Protecting Marie by Kevin Henkes is still my favorite book.

  7. I walked out of a Collective Soul and a Sister Hazel concert. The openers were horrible and long so we left before Sister Hazel came on.

    Bands i walked out to due to boyfriend getting board

    Lucero and Bob Dylan (i was pissed on both shows).

    Fell asleep during Kings of Leon there cowbell couldn't even keep me awake enough to watch them.

  8. Wallflowers came out with their second CD almost 5 years after their first and obviously most successful CD.

    Your referring to the gap Bringing Down the Horse and Breach right?

    BDTH was actually their second album and Breach their third. They released their first self titled on Virgin records and the other 4 records on Interscoope.

    The Wallflowers was released in 1992

    Bringing Down the Horse was released in 1996 five years later and was their breakout cd with 6th Avenue and One Headlight

    Breach the third album was released in 2000

    Due to the first cd being on a different label and was under a different contact it had a lesser print and almost no publicity. There is a video or two out for the singles directed by Jakob brother Jessie Dylan (who also directed American Pie 3).

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