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The New Tom waits

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Which parts of the singing? The ones where he tears the shit out of his throat, or the ones where he wheezes?


The press is an amazing thing, really. What's most impressive about it is the way it seems to constantly devour its own tail. Just because a hundred uninspired hacks write that Dylan's singing is "much improved" on his new record, that doesn't make it so. Likewise, if an established artist, i.e. Dylan, turns in a set of songs that's mostly an assemblage of blues cliches, homages and swipes, and the press happens to turn a blind eye to his multitudinous sources, that doesn't mean we have to blithely follow suit. "Oh, if there's an original thought out there, I could use it right now!" You said it, Bobby.


If you can listen to MT and TOOM back to back and tell me with a straight face that the latter isn't twenty times more impressive than the former in every respect, then I'm sorry, but you're either deaf or retarded.


Objectively, MT is probably one of the ten or fifteen least impressive records Dylan has ever cut. It's not as terrible as the '80s dross, but it certainly doesn't even come close to scaling the heights of his '90s greatness.

dude, not bragging here, but i heard Modern Times before probably all but maybe 1 or 2 members on this forum (if not every one), and surely long before i read any reviews/press about it, and my first thought was "wow, his singing sounds quite good on this". even my mother, who is NOT a fan of Bob's voice at all, told me she really enjoyed this record, because his voice is a lot easier to understand and he's crooning a lot more.


get over your fucking self, just because you don't like it, or think it's way way lower quality than the previous two, or way low in his catalog, doesn't mean everyone else should or does, or that they are "deaf or retarded", jesus h.


timbits is right, if you pulled that shit in front of my face, even myself, as a non-violent person, would probably clock your pompous ass to the floor.

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