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iTunes Statistics

Guest Speed Racer

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Guest Speed Racer

I want to track my monthly playcount, so that I know the top 20 or so songs I listen to each month. I have iTunes Statistician and it only gives me aggregate, not monthly, data. I also have SuperAnalyzer, which basically gives me more aggregate data.


I just joined LastFm hoping that this would solve my quandry, but I *really* can't figure out how to make the damned thing work. I mean, I can run the software, but should it have imported all of my retroactive iTunes data once I gave it the path, or will it only compile data from this point forward?


Seriously, I just want to know the top 20 songs I listen to per month, and I know there's any easy solution, but I can't figure it out. I'm operating on a 2005 G4 PowerBook.


Thanks! :yes

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I think maybe you'll want to try YamiPod? My last.fm stats were off for the first few months I was on there because it tracked what I listened to on iTunes on my computer, but not from my iPod when it wasn't connected. With YamiPod you can submit tunes that you listen to on your iPod straight to last.fm, which keeps your stats.




I hope that helps!!!

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