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A few question about the RIAA

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The recent event of my friend getting sued by the riaa for $6000 has got me thinking...can you get sued for downloading music from labels that aren't riaa members? Is there any organization like the riaa for independent labels? do any labels sue people directly?

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technically, you can't be sued for dloading (you can, but they don't do it because it's too difficult to discern what's a legal license and what isn't, etc). your friend got nailed for allowing uploads/sharing copywrited material. the indies do have affiliations, but virtually all indies with any reach to retail work through some sort of RIAA channel. the biggest american indie (epitaph/anti) still uses distributors who are tied to/owned by majors.

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What I don't get is that you can be sued for downloading music but what about burning the Cd from a friend? I think its a lost cause for the RIAA and record companies. but who gives a fuck cause all those large record companies just screw bands over and they don't get a cent off their cd unless it breaks even which is like a million records sold. :pirate

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What I don't get is that you can be sued for downloading music but what about burning the Cd from a friend? I think its a lost cause for the RIAA and record companies. but who gives a fuck cause all those large record companies just screw bands over and they don't get a cent off their cd unless it breaks even which is like a million records sold. :pirate


at this very second , will is banging that cowbell in sync with spiders. i'm mesmerized.

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