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Rod Poole Memorial Concert this Sun. 8/26 free L.A.

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Rod Poole Memorial: Dangerous Curve's "Is It Music?"

Sunday, August 26, 2007,

4:00 p.m.


Rod Poole Memorial Concert

Organized by Kraig Grady:


A. Music for Bowed Guitar

Trio 1:

Jessica Catron http://www.myspace.com/jessicacatron, Jeremy

Drake http://www.jeremydrake.com, Cat Lamb http://catlamb.com


Trio 2:

Erin Barnes http://www.anaphoria.com/shadow.html, Heather Lockie

http://www.myspace.com/listingship, Michael Whitmore


Trio 3:

James Grigsby http://www.rotarytotem.com, Joseph Hammer

http://www.josephhammer.com, Doug Willifordhttp://www.myspace.com/michaelwhitmore




B. The 17-Step Guitar

Jim McAuley solo


(playing Rod's guitar))


C. Irish Reels

Bruce Teter http://www.myspace.com/wyndamerebaggs, Spencer Savage

http://www.myspace.com/cathairensemble, Michael Intriere, and Emily Hay


D. Microtonal Humhttp://www.emilyhay.com

Led by Bonnie Barnett http://members.aol.com/ninewinds/BIOS/barnett.html

(Programs subject to change.)




Dangerous Curve



an Experimental Exhibition and

Live Art/Visual Art Paterformance Space


Voted 5th Most Popular Art Gallery

Best of Alternative L.A. Readers' Choice:





1020 East Fourth Place

(500 Molino Street #102)

Los Angeles, CA, U.S.A.





Los Angeles, CA, August 14, 2007 - The end of summer is picking up speed and our audiences (contrary to popular wisdom about vacations) are waxing rather than waning. We have some great musicians on Friday evening and then on Saturday afternoon, we are proud to be the venue to host the Rod Poole Memorial Concert. Rod Poole http://www.rodpoolemusic.com, a genius guitarist, graced our gallery as an audience member of our New Music series hours before his tragic death. He left an indelible stamp on our memories and a hole of loss in our lives. Many of Los Angeles' finest musicians, organized by Rod's mentor Kraig Grady, are turning out to play tribute to him. The memorial concert is free.


[and for more background]


from Nels site earlier this year


[picture was here]



(Acoustic Guitar Trio: Rod Poole (L), NC, Jim McCauley ®)


"It is with great sadness and deep shock that I sit here in my hotel room in New York pondering the senseless murder of one of my favorite artists of all time, Rod Poole. I formed a microtonal improvising trio with the guitarists Rod, Jim McCauley, and myself called Acoustic Guitar Trio. One of my motivations for this was to just get closer to Rod and his art, to the haunting beauty of his music. What with my constant road work and divergent personal realm, Rod and I had been in touch less and less frequently, which really felt bad. Rod was a true artist, probably a genius. He had an amazing capacity as both music fan and autodidact musician visionary. He was stubborn, thorny at times, but always because of his intense feelings and ideas concerning creative expression, especially that of the sound world. His death was pointless, and from reports, horribly violent. I feel sick. We are a disaster as a society. I can't stop thinking about him and his wife Lisa. What a nightmare... And it hasn't even really fully sunk in that I will never again see this man, never play music with him again, never hear him play, sit in his Hollywood apartment listening to music, drinking fine beers, thumbing through his recent eBay acquisitions of Sun Ra, Hendrix bootlegs...never again play music with him. His solo CDs "The Death Adder" and "December 96", both out-of-print (WIN Records) are shining examples of artistic vision and depth, his just-intonated Martin acoustics spinning beguiling arpeggios resonating with majestic/intimate sonorous beauty. All possible love to you, Rod. I thought I was speechless, but here are the words, and here come the tears..


Here is a sample of some of the music we made together as Acoustic Guitar Trio.


Rod Poole is arguably one of the most under-documented masters of our time. Not that there weren't any recordings made. Rod had recorded a lot of material that has not seen the light of day. His last CD ("Mind's Island"), a beautiful series of duets with vocalist Sasha Bogdanowitsch could easily have been followed by many great solo recordings that he was waiting to do the right way - either with the nicest label, on the best vinyl, etc. I do know that Acoustic Guitar Trio has tons of stuff "in the can", not the least of which is a 'live' recording from the Downtown Playhouse we called VIGNES, plus some studio recordings done at Scott Fraser's place, plus lots more 'live' stuff thanks to the fact that Rod recorded everything. Further illumination of this brilliant individual may be possible. Time will tell."


Forced Exposure Mail Order

Voice of The Bowed Guitar (streaming live recording)










(O.K. sorry bout the urls moderaters, I didn't think these fell under the spirit of the no links to comercial releases. I think these are mostly independent.)


(I have nothing to do with this event, I'm just one of the 2,000 new music fan's in L.A. that are on a particular e-mail list.)

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