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Chicago Jazz Fest

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Here is the schedule. A friend got me a ticket for the not free Herbie Hancock set tonight. I plan to go on Saturday night and maybe Friday. I screwed up the order of things here and won't make it on Sunday, which actually looks okay.


As more and more old timers pass on, and other fests seem to get more money and attention, this fest doesn't always live up to past glory. Apparently the Orbert Davis program at Millenium Park brought in a crowd. I wish they had more events there, but we are back to Petrillo I guess.


Anyone else going? See you Saturday and maybe Friday.



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Herbie put on a interesting and diverse show last night, hitting all areas of his career, from jazz to pop to fusion. His band was up to the task and his between song banter was pretty entertaining too. Nice two and a half hour set.



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I would have gone, but I am at Lawrence University.
Wow, I have bunches off friends who went there...


Anyway. I am going tonight to the Petrillo if anyone else is there say hi. I was wondering if anyone went last night to see Medeski Martin and Wood, with John Scofield?


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It must be some sort of requirement to start a new Ryan Adams thread every week.

As expected, the night didn't really catch fire until the Liberation Music Orchestra led by Charlie Haden. Great stuff. The rest was okay, but rather pedestrian in many respects. 79 year old Earnestine Wilson (not even sure that is her name at the moment) had many moments.


I was there with a big group of friends and family, which was fun enough.


Oh well...on to some other fest....Hideout next.



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