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Wilco ACL Taping ticket announcement

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I know I will be hurting my chances of getting a shot at a ticket for the taping, by being the first person to disclose this info, but maybe Karma will be on my side. So here you go.




I have been to a few ACL tapings in the past and EVERY TIME the ticket drop is at the KLRU studio on the UT campus (communications building, where I went to school). Has anyone ever known them to give the tickets out elsewhere? If not, you bacially can bank on getting a ticket if your willing to get their early enough on Friday.

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Any word on who will be on the show with them, anyone?


If I recall correctly they dont have opening acts. They will edit in another bands performance into the actual telecast. For example Bright Eyes taped their episode on an entirely different day than Wilco. But the TV audience likely didnt know that when watching the Wilco/Bright Eyes episode from a few years back. I use to know Terry Lickona (the producer of ACL) as he came into my restaurant where I worked during college and would on occasion give me free tickets. Those were the good old days.

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If I recall correctly they dont have opening acts. They will edit in another bands performance into the actual telecast. For example Bright Eyes taped their episode on an entirely different day than Wilco. But the TV audience likely didnt know that when watching the Wilco/Bright Eyes episode from a few years back. I use to know Terry Lickona (the producer of ACL) as he came into my restaurant where I worked during college and would on occasion give me free tickets. Those were the good old days.

Just kinda curious on who I will get to see (in addition to Wilco) when I watch the broadcast. Hmmmm...maybe one of those artists taping around the same time, such as Regina Spektor?

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i believe that austinist listing is just for when the ticket drops will be announced. so they're not announcing it until sometime friday night so it looks like the ticket drop will be on saturday. my guess is it will be early on saturday AM since the taping is that afternoon. but hell, the ticket drop could end up being midnight on friday...who knows.

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Dang, that's a lot of taping. When I saw Neko Case tape in Aug. 03 they gave away tickets at the studio, then gave 'em out at her warmup show the night before at the Parish. But that was while school was out, so the student demand was down.


If you get shutout for tickets, you might wanna hang around the line outside the studio before the show. Some kind soul might have an extra.

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ACL tapings are terribly annoying to me. you have to stand around for hours, depending on who you're trying to get tickets for, and then you might not even get IN to the studio if you have tickets. i would rather just be able to BUY them and know that i'll get in.


and as far as an opening act, or what have you, sometimes they DO have 2 bands play at one taping. for example, in july the decemberists and ghostland observatory did a taping on like a tuesday night. so it's not out of the realm of possibility.

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