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Greil Marcus - Mystery Train: Images of America in Rock 'n' Roll

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I was just wandering through amazon.com and saw that there's going to be a fifth edition of Marcus's classic book, 'Mystery Train' published on March 25, but I can't find any information about it at all regarding new material. I'm sure there's some fans here, but for those who don't know it's basically a study of Robert Johnson, Harmonica Frank Floyd, Elvis Presley, Sly Stone, Randy Newman, and the Band; examining their lives, music, and their roles in American culture. I'm an obsessive fan of both Randy Newman and the Band and this book contains some of the best writings on both of them out there. Especially Newman. It was originally published in 1975 and the latest US edition was published in 1997 with a new intro and updated discography, but as I said, no info on what's in the new edition. Anyways if anyone has information about it or would like to discuss the book, or what they'd like to see in the updated edition I just thought I'd post. Me, I'd sure like some more on Randy Newman.

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