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The Jazz Showcase reopens...

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Ever since the 1940s, Joe Segal has produced jazz shows here in Chicago, much of the time under the moniker the Jazz Showcase. His club has had serveral locations over the years, the first one I went to in the 70s was in the basement of building on Rush Street that had a disco on the first floor. Despite that I saw great stuff there. Then he moved to the Blackstone Hotel on Michigan Avenue, a nice room that functioned as the club for many years. Finally he moved over to Grand Avenue, just north of downtown and had a good run in a room over there until he lost his lease a couple years ago.


Now after being closed for a couple years, he has reopened (last night) in a space in the south Loop near Printers Row in the old Dearborn Station. I haven't been yet, but the initial reviews have been positive and I plan to go within the week. They sets are going to be relatively early (7 and 9) followed by jam sessions. They are encouraging folks to hang out for such events. Joe is now in his 80s, but he has his son Wayne as a partner so this should continue for the forseeable future. The Jazz Showcase is the premier club in Chicago for mainstream type jazz (nothing too crazy, for that you have to go the Velvet Lounge or the Hideout), but if you want a classy evening or want to see first class jazz even on a Sunday afternoon, it is the place to go when in Chicago. The photos and memorabilia on the walls is worth the price of admission alone (usually $20). Joe has booked all the greats starting with Charlie Parker and Monk back in the 40s. Joe's opening announcements are also interesting, although he tends to be overly opinoinated about his type of music and sometimes disses other types of material. None the less it is a great place to go and the new club sounds like an excellent place to see a show (seats included.)


(Yea, I know I owe VC a what to do in Chicago posting for a pinned thread. I will work on it soon, I promise.)



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I made my first trip to the Showcase last night. What fun.


Monty Alexander and his trio (George Flutis on drums and Loren Cohen on bass) tore the place up, well in mainstream jazz terms tore it up. We stayed for most of both sets. The first was nicely packed and the second, well everyone was enthusiasic and in some ways the music was better. My friend Peter who I went with was put off by some gimicky playing during the first set, but during the second, Monty settled in did less of that. I knew little about Alexander, who apparently is from Jamaica. He threw in a couple Bob Marley tunes, one of which was "No Woman No Cry" as well as several originals and songs done by Nat King Cole, Tony Bennett, Frank Sinatra, and a nice selection of other standards.


The showcase is sort of hard to find since there is not yet a sign outside. It is a long room with a bar at the back and bathrooms up in front behind the stage (a bit weird, but the bathrooms are very nice.) The staff is still getting used to the room and so drinks were not pushed at all. While I didn't get to talk to Joe Seigel (sometimes he is not too approachable), it was good to see him back introducing the bands and reviewing the schedule. As mentioned in the previous posts the early part of the week will be $10 cover and be local musicians. In the fall it will feature groups from the local music schools, Columbia, Roosevelt, and DePaul. I did get to wish Joe's son Wayne good luck. I suspect this is sort of Wayne's club for the long haul since at over 80 Joe will unfortunately not be around forever. Age has not changed Joe's opinions (he doesn't like vocalists),but after 60 years of presenting music (this hiatus is the longest at a year and a half) I guess he is entitled to those opinions. You won't see anything crazy at the Showcase, just good solid mainstream type jazz.


For those posters who think they are the only ones obsessed with anything, here you go...



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The layout sounds a bit like the Green Mill (with the bathrooms esp., so awkward).


I think I'm going to go check out lou donaldson in august. Alfonso Ponticelli & Swing Gitan would also be worth checking out for anyone who hasn't seen them yet (although its 4 dollars cheaper when they play the mill), great gypsy jazz.

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The layout sounds a bit like the Green Mill (with the bathrooms esp., so awkward).


I think I'm going to go check out lou donaldson in august. Alfonso Ponticelli & Swing Gitan would also be worth checking out for anyone who hasn't seen them yet (although its 4 dollars cheaper when they play the mill), great gypsy jazz.

Yea, not exactly like the Mill since you can actually go in the bathrooms without feeling like you are going to get some disease or run smack dab into someone. I sort of characterized the bathrooms a bit wrong, while they are behind the stage, the doors are down a short hall. My friend Peter ended up going to the women's room by accident (I don't think he actutally went in) because they are not well marked.


As for Alfonso Ponticelli, I don't know these folks, but they sound hot (pun intended...). If Joe is willing to host them they must have something going. They are in the $10 cover group and I was thinking of seeing them as well. August is Charlie Parker month which Donaldson is part of.


It is honestly a joy that the Showcase is back. Even with Joe's somewhat parochial taste, this is an important venue, in the same way that the Velvet is also important (okay I haven't made it to the new Velvet yet, mea culpa) in that it presents music that is not always well covered by other clubs.



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