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It is not often that a particular piece of music grabs me right away on my very first listen but that recently happened to me with and artist named Emily Wells. Someone sent me a link to this video on YouTube of Emily performing live and I was amazed at what I saw:



It blew me away watching her perform all the mixes and overdubs live by herself and then when I heard her voice it gave me chills. I immediately bought her latest release after seeing that video and was just as impressed with the entire album. It's sort of a combination of Classical, Free form Jazz, Rock and Hip-Hop all mashed together. She came to Portland last night and played a short set at the Mississippi recording studio in front of a crowd of maybe 40 or 50 people. It was a really intimate show and the audience was really into it. She was layering all sorts of elements together and building songs live in front of us all. None of it sounded like we were watching a recording session, it all stood on it's own and as it was layered together it turned into something else totally. Some of the friends I brought along did not really like some of her louder / reverb stuff but every one of them mentioned how intrigued they were watching her layer all the songs live as she played them (I shudder to think how they would react to Wilco live).


Her personal website and streaming songs are on her Myspace page and there is a good KCRW interview with her up as well. Anyway, I just thought I would share with others on this board in case someone else just enjoyment out of her music like I do.



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