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New to me this afternoon. Thought I'd share. Not a bad way to bump into new artists. Was feeling so-so until up popped Dan Mangan - Robots (which I love), so I am sticking with it for a few hours today (until work blocks the site no doubt).


On thesixtyone, new artists make music and listeners decide what's good. We're nurturing a growing ecosystem where talented folks can sell songs and merchandise directly to their fans. Unlike a record or distribution deal where they only make $1-2 per album (if they ever get paid, that is), artists on thesixtyone make at least $7 per album and are paid every 30 days -- no wait for recoupment and no complex royalty schemes!


We're named after Highway 61, a U.S. route that runs along the Mississippi River and marks the origin of American music culture. Muddy Waters, Bob Dylan and B.B. King rode the 61. Elvis grew up in the housing projects along it. Highway 61 was the road by which people left their homes to take their music to the world.

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I have some songs from my first album on there. Looks like some people have liked them.

Yeah, it's not a bad site. Kinda like Pandora or Jango, but the interface isn't quite so listener-friendly.

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