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Von for the Holidays

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I plan to hit up the New Apartment Lounge on December 28. Any of those VCers I know or those I don't know who want to meet there it would be pretty coo....Bob, Paul, Samorama, Kris, Phil, Allison, Rachel, etc. The address is 504 East 75th Street. I highly suggest NOT taking putlic transportation down there, but there is plenty of street parking. Getting there arly will help getting a seat, but then again Wilco fans rarely need seats.


Quite honestly Von is not what he used to be (he isn't bad or anything and he is approaching 90), but the scene is still intersting and this type of jam is quickly becoming a thing of the past.



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Okay cool. I have a friend or two or three from the Northside that may come down with me. Should be a good time. We may go a bit early and have dinner at the Vegetarian Soul Food restaurant down the street. Not sure yet.


The New Apartment is 504 East 75th Street which is east of the Dan Ryan,




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Looks like WaronWar and I are going to make this scene tonight (as well as some of my geriatric friends). I hear tell that maybe a different group is going next week. Still time to go tonight if anyone is interested.



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Okay...I guess I should say something here. I did go last night with a non-VC and friend and Von is really not in good shape. He is 88 and played a very short set (although his band was great as usual.) The place was hoping but the music really wasn't happening.


It is sad really. It is difficult to see your musical heros/friends get old and lose their chops, but more than that it is a reminder of our own mortality and eventual fading of abilities. Ever since Fred Anderson passed (and is still being mentioned by his younger collegues at gigs) a slight pall has fallen over the Chicago jazz community. If Von passes it will truly be the end of an era. Von played with Charlie Parker as a young man. It is getting to be a long time ago now.


I still recommend folks check out the New Apartment on Tuesday nights, but don't go expecting a really wonderful musical experience anymore (although the band is still very good), but do say hello to Weezie who tends bar and make sure to drink enough and leave her a big tip. There is a wings joint next door that seemed to be doing a brisk business with the patrons from the bar and the usual mixed crowd was still there. When Von is gone, this scene will be gone too. Although I love the north side clubs, the New Apartment is a very different scene.



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