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Attention fans of The Chamber Strings

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Kevin Junior - Ruins

Anyone seriously into the best American indie bands of the last ten years will surely get excited if you name The Chamber Strings. It is the band formed in 1997 by Kevin Junior. “Ruins” traces an alternative story through its 19 rare or unissued tracks recorded by Kevin under different guises in the last 20 years: The Mystery Girls (1986-1992), The Rosehips (1992-1996) y The Chamber Strings (1997- present time) and on his own. Kevin has opened up his vaults to reevalute his long career, and the result is a collection that will serve both the long standing fans, who will find plenty to rejoice in, and the newcomers who will discover the amazing talent of one Kevin Junior. The amazing story of Kevin Junior & The Chamber Strings. Kevin’s influences include Ray Davies, Brian Wilson, Brill Building pop, Rolling Stones, Beatles, Alex Chilton, 60's soul, Pretenders, Dan Penn, Only Ones, The Raspberries and Jimmy Webb.


Kevin has opened up his vaults to reevalute his long career, and the result is “Ruins”, a compilation that will serve both the long standing fans, who will find plenty to rejoice in, and the newcomers who will discover the amazing talent of one Kevin Junior.


Track Listing

1. Common At Noon (The Rosehips)

2. It's Not Worth Fighting (The Chamber Strings live)

3. Whiskey In A Jar (The Rosehips)

4. Gorgeous Nowhere (The Rosehips)

5. Baby It's You (The Chamber Strings)

6. Dead Endings (The Chamber Strings)

7. Thank My Lucky Stars (Kevin Junior solo demo)

8. Beautiful You (The Chamber Strings live)

9. I Pray for Rain (The Chamber Strings)

10. Kevin Junior (Hushdrops, Kevin on lead vocals)

11. Dead Man’s Poise (Kevin Junior, solo demo)

12. Ragdoll (The Rosehips)

13. Contact High (The Mystery Girls)

14. Last Lovers (The Chamber Strings)

15. It's Not Enough (Kevin Junior)

16. Telegram (Where's My Horn?) (The Chamber Strings)

17. No More Songs (The Chamber Strings)

18. Beautiful Mothers & Somebody’s Wife (The Chamber Strings)

19. Sleepy Night (Kevin Junior solo demo)


Now I just have to figure out where to get it.

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Also, for you Chicago (and nearby) people, there's THIS:

Just announced: The Chamber Strings live at The Hideout in Chicago May 19th w/Dorian Taj supporting. First full-band (Classic 'Month Of Sundays' line-up) show together in over 2 years! Get your tickets-Hideout is small and will sell-out!
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Where to get it seems to be a mystery. They can't even find a way to get out their last album, maybe it is going to be a download?


The last time I saw them at the Hideout and Schubas not only didn't they sell out, they could barely fill either club. With the layoff from their last come back (which was a success) this one may well fall flat, sadly. They are great, but time is quickly passing them by. The Chanmber Strings story is very heartbreaking, but typical. I heard Kevin played last Saturday, but have not heard how it went. Considering I was at Lincoln Hall with Eleventh Dream Day, also a great band, that can no longer get arrested despite an exellent new record(they had a decent if not close to sell out at Lincoln Hall), I don't hold much hope out for the Chamber Strings coming back strong.



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Love these guys, and thanks again to LouieB and GloNo for turning me onto them a few years back. You oughta still be able to get Month of Sundays pretty cheaply through Amazon. If you like Summerteeth, it's up your alley.


I hope they find some label support or self-distribute online. I know it's got to be damn near impossible to make any money through record sales as a band at their level (and even bigger). But getting this stuff out there would be great.



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I suppose the real credit goes to John Boston and WhiskeyBender Productions. It is just so sad that their new material hasn't gotten a proper recording.


Does anyone have any idea how Kevin Jr. actually supports himself? It can't be as a working musician sadly.



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Well as is clear now there aren't TOO many Chamber Strings fans here, but just in case there are.....


I ran into Kevin Junior last night at the Candy Golde show and bought a copy of the album mentioned here. It is NOT available in the US unless you contact Kevin directly. He said he is willing to have people get in touch with him so if you want a copy (and I got one...) you can email him at chamberstring@hotmail.com. That is chamberstring without an "s" and get in touch with the guy and get one. I guess the liner notes are pretty cool too.


Haven't listened to it yet, but I am sure it is worth the trouble.



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  • 4 years later...

So, Kevin Junior has been quietly releasing (streaming only) the occasional new song to his Soundcloud page. So far, there are 4 new tunes. I compiled them on a playlist here:

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I feel so badly for Kevin.  Here is a really talented guy who's career went off the tracks and has never been able to get it back on.  He now plays with a group called the Chamber Strings (occasionally) that isn't the band we know and loved.



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I feel so badly for Kevin.  Here is a really talented guy who's career went off the tracks and has never been able to get it back on.  He now plays with a group called the Chamber Strings (occasionally) that isn't the band we know and loved.



I am 100% with you, Louie. But I am damn glad to at least hear him making new music. That is a huge positive. And the new songs, while not the old band, are still pretty great. The worst that KJ has to offer is still going to beat the pants off of the best of a whole bunch of other similarly minded bands. The man is brilliant. 

I'm hoping that he keeps producing and stays on track. We need more of his music.

Hopefully the world will wake up and discover him.

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