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Your bone's got a little machine...

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BONEMACHINE is a new blog/site that an Australian friend of mine started up. Julian is from Melbourne, and he recruited me (from Chicago) and our friend Steve (from Birmingham, UK) to contribute songs that we like that we want to share with our friends and enemies. They are all YouTube links, so there is nothing illegal or unsavory about this place.


From the site:

Bonemachine is a place for listeners to find music they may not have heard. Not everything on here is going to be obscure, unknown or ultra-indie (although some is), but if the artist is well known the songs we choose are generally not their high-rotation singles.


There are a few ways to find music here…



You can list tracks on the site by era or genre. We have intentionally kept the genres very broad, our stations are where you can fine tune your listening. Use the categories menu on the right of the site to have a crack. Categories are a good place to start if you just feel like trying your luck.



Our stations have a narrow focus. Chances are that if you like one song in a station you will probably like most of them. Some songs will appear in more than one station. Have a read down the list on the Stations page and bookmark any that are up your musical alley. The newest songs will always appear at the top of each station’s page, so check back whenever you can. Follow our Facebook page and we’ll let you know every time we post a new song.



Click on the post author’s name and you will see all the songs they have submitted. The three of us like a lot of the same stuff, but not always. Sometimes we all love the tunes, sometimes the other two sit back and think ‘what the hell were you thinking posting that?’ You may find your taste aligns more with one of us in particular.


Also, there is no money involved. We get nothing out of it and put everything into it, which is why I am telling you all about it. Because I like to learn about and share music that I love. (Come to think of it, that's why I'm here, too.)


Each post has a short description, and you can post your own comments, as well.

Hope you stop by, check it out, and maybe like us at our Facebook page.


Wendy, I hope that this does not violate any promotional rules. None of this is MY music, and I get nothing out of it, except the ability to share more music with you (a la Turntable, but at a slower pace).

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I don't know if he is or has ever gone by "Julian Bull". I do know that he was in bands called: Isenho, The Mimps, and Hugo & The Red Room.

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Oh, and he also rehearses with his band at Quincy McLean's place (which looks pretty nice, per the YouTube tour that I saw).

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Anyone check this out? We've been getting some good feedback.

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  • 10 months later...

I was just looking at the site today and really appreciating how good the tunes are there. Thought that I would revive this thread. (If it was ever alive in the first place.)

Let me know if you check it out, and what you think of the songs and whatnot.


And no, there are none if my own songs on there. This is not a self-promo kinda thing, just a place to share music that we love.

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