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Hey all! I've really enjoyed the "Now Playing (insert month/year)" thread on here the past couple years and awhile back I created a facebook group dedicated to a similar idea. It's sort of turned into a communal spot for posting youtube videos, band pages, album streams, blogs, reviews, and everything in between. We've got about 125 members so far but in an effort to increase the variety of sounds the group members are exposed to I thought I'd invite my friends from the VC community to join up if you wish!


The group name is just "Ear & Now" if you wish to search, otherwise this link should take you in the right direction: http://www.facebook....53&notif_t=like


It's been a lot of fun seeing what everyone has been listening to and I hope you'll consider joining up and not regard this as some sort-of spamming, or self-promotion (It's just a facebook group. In fact, YOU could use IT for self-promotion ;) ).


Here's a link to the accompanying Youtube playlist which compiles all the posts people make on the group's wall and sort-of streamlines it: http://tinyurl.com/3m6zskk





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