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Groupie, party of one... seeking 1 Vic or 1 Metro ticket....

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If anyone has a single ticket to either the Vic show or the Metro show, I'd love to buy it from you -- I had a ticket to Civic Opera that I just sold (for face value, on Craigslist), since after doing GA in both KC & Des Moines, I don't think I can handle the proper seated atmosphere of Monday's show! I'd probably make a BUNCH of enemies, ha ha.


So I'm hoping to do either the Vic or the Metro, if I can find a willing soul to sell me a ticket.


(I swear, if I didn't have a job, I'd just follow this band around the country.......)

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I am calling around right now. Post if you get one so I can stop harrasing them if you are good. Anyone pursuing such a worthwhile endeavor is worth harrassing my friends for an extra to make sure they get in. Both venues are classic Wilco, and would be a nice change from proper seating assignments. These are home field advantage venues for Wilco and they never fail to blow the doors off.

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AT, yeah, I did get 'em -- thank you for trying to help out, though, I appreciate it & would've posted sooner had I known. I'm actually trying to find someone to "team up" with now in line, since I'll be coming from out of town & don't mind waiting all day but usually find it best with a team-approach!


(When you are 5' tall & it's GA, "go front row or don't go at all" is my motto.)

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