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The Plugz -- a little help?

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So, I've been digging this band (what I've heard of them) since they made an appearance on the Repo Man soundtrack. I've also heard a couple other songs, here and there that have further kicked my ass.

So, I went online to look for their albums and I find this one, their classic:


for $200 USED!!!

Out of print and all that.


Does anyone have a copy of this album that they would be willing to point me to? Or, better yet, send me a burn of? The mofo is out of print so, in this case, I don't really have any qualms about taking a burn from someone. All I want is the music. I'm not a collector willing to shell out that kinda cash.



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Loved their contribution to the Repo Man soundtrack. Unfortunately that's all I have from them. Can't find this one on any download sites either, must be pretty hard to find.

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