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Red Rocks Weekend Package

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Hey all! I'm looking to split my weekend package with someone! The husband can't go, I've decided not to bring any offspring (I want to drink some beer and have fun) and Boxfullofletters (see earlier thread) has decided to be fiscally responsible and stick to the shows out East despite my subtle efforts to nudge her to the dark side. My room reservation is for two double beds which conveniently removes any akwardness lol. I believe half the package winds up at about $520, but I'm willing to make a resonable negotiation - I'd hate to see this ticket go to waste! Tickets for both nights and access to soundbooth area, tour of Red Rocks, shuttle to and from the shows, 2 t-shirts, 2 posters, 2 nights at a swanky hotel and a "VERY special happy hour", whatever that means. Heck, tickets, a t-shirt and a poster on their own will run you $150, 2 nights at a hotel around $200 on the cheap side (the Monaco's running $295-$400+/night that weekend). Toss in the shuttles (don't have to rent a car/drive after a few beers), the tour, the VIP soundboard area and whatever this happy hour is all about, it's actually a pretty good deal if you're coming in from out of state.


I'm from Minnesota, 40, married with 2 young boys and a trader for an investment advisor. Oh, and I'm a HUGE Wilco fan. I haven't missed a Wilco show in Minnesota since the turn of the century. I wear Wilco shirts to work almost every day (it's a weird, yet wonderful investment advisor firm). The amount of space that Wilco shows take up on my hard drive and phone is silly. I've been to both SSF's but, besides that, this is my first "destination" show and there's no way I'm misisng it. Oh, and I unabashedly sing and dance my heart out at shows.


I'd prefer to split this with a female, but, if you're a guy and can have any of the die-hards on VC vouch for your sanity, I'll consider it. Us girls just can't be too careful... :glare

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Hi Folkgirl!


I'm definitely interested in splitting a weekend package. None of my friends want to make the trip from the Bay Area (what's wrong with them?!?!). My email address is sandymelloy@gmail.com. Send me an email if this is still available and you'd like to talk further.


Hope to hear from you :-)

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Hi Folkgirl!


I'm definitely interested in splitting a weekend package. None of my friends want to make the trip from the Bay Area (what's wrong with them?!?!). My email address is sandymelloy@gmail.com. Send me an email if this is still available and you'd like to talk further.


Hope to hear from you :-)


WOOT! I just sent you an email!

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