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Tickets For Full Solid Sound Fest (Possibly Camping Pass too)- Hopefully...

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I thought I'd post this here, just in case someone is needing to get rid of tickets they can't use...


I, hopefully, will be needing, at the very least 1, but probably 2 & possibly more, tickets to the full/all 3 days-nights of Solid Sound this year! And, quite likely, either a camping pass/camping passes... Can't recall how it all works(if it's still the same even) as I attended in 2013, 2015 & 2017, but unfortunate life circumstances have prevented me from going to the last few... 


I won't know if I can make it until around June 24th, but I'm very hopeful it will all work out! Post here, PM me here? (can't recall how/if that is a feature here, as it's been a while since I participated here) Or my email is 11johnlink11@gmail.com 

Thanks & have a great Solid Sound for all who are going!

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