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Mr. Kinsley

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Posts posted by Mr. Kinsley

  1. There is some extremely good material on that album. I'll come right out and say it - Wilco is the best band in America currently operating and the best band in America since the Replacements, Husker Du and Bad Brains.


    Hey now, that's a pretty controversial statement to be making around these parts! :P


    I haven't listened to it for a while, so maybe I'll throw it into the car today. I've never liked Wishful Thinking for some reason. It just doesn't sound finished - great lyrics but rather dull IMHO.

  2. Pepper Jack






    Brie isn't in your top 5? Are you insane!?!?! This is the dumbest cheese list I've ever seen!!*



    *All top whatever lists need a good argument, and since there weren't any yet, I figured this was as good a place as any to start. But really though, brie does rather rule.

  3. I'm very slowly going back and hitting some classics that I somehow managed to miss during high school/college. The Grapes of Wrath is up now. Up next, Slaughterhouse Five. At my current pace I should be able to finish them by the time I go back to work... in September... of 2007.

  4. What's ludicrous is that Liriano and Verlander weren't just on the team to begin with. I'm just happy No-mahhhh made it in. It would have been, dare I say, ludicrous not to have had the guy leading the league in batting in the All-Star game.

  5. Being the dumbass that I am, I was looking around at what all the different options are and accidentally subscribed to a thread, so that it will send me an email everytime someone posts. (Seeing as it's the RTT, that would be a BAD thing.) Then in trying to undo it I accidentally subscribed to the entire forum. :no


    Is there anyway to undo it?




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