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Posts posted by wilcogirl

  1. taltonwilco.jpg


    I think most any picture of a child with a wilco shirt on is cool looking!


    I agree! Great photo Tweedling!!


    oh wait, i shouldn't encourage competition, now the odds are stacked against me between your photo and lynn's! :)


    just kidding!


    LOL! I submitted today afterall. Lynn's is going to be pretty tough to beat tho. Are you going to post your submission isadorah? I'd love to see!

  2. II put him right up there with my favourite meisters of the bass.


    Agreed! There are some really fantastic bass lines on SBS.


    I also like the term "meisters of the bass," a lot. (imagine that spoken in Philip Seymour Hoffman's voice from Boogie Nights)

  3. What a lovely looking venue! I wanted to go there last year and this as well, but haven't been able to swing it. Thanks for sharing pics and stories. Cheers to all of you who were there!

  4. Beautiful pics sam! Its neat to see all the different camera angles from people I was near. Not sure if I am right, but you may have been right in front of us, if so I could see your camera view finder and may have seen some of these being taken! :)


    Your re-org looks like it was quite a task nice job :cheers I like the triumphant drill on top!!

  5. i'll be heading to nashville mid-july to install an art show, a little shameless self-promotion here, if you have time while you're there for your reunion, stop by the metro arts gallery on 2nd ave south. the art show opens July 19. that's what my summer vacation is going to be, installing my art.


    aside from the above pseudo-work, the atlanta/charlotte/DC wilco circuit was my summer vacation.


    hopefully i'll get a full relaxing vacation in the fall, maybe hike the grand canyon or something. anyone have any suggestions/experiences with the grand canyon??



    Yes! How long will you be gone? PM me and I can give you a whole bunch of ideas and places to go/see in the area! The whole Utah/Arizona/Colorado area is my obsession in life! :)

  6. oh wait, i was right in front of the couple from philly (i was the one with the short pixie hair, black shirt, green skirt), but definitely next to you dancing around (am living in DC these days), the guy with the blonde curly hair was right there with us too. did you hear that it was his first show and he was missing his high school graduation to be there. we'll definitely have to touch base before the next show we go to!


    Ok, yeah, I thought that was you. I was wearing a white floral shirt my sister was wearing a brown tank top, we were both pretty damp from the rain. We were taking goofy photos of ourselves before the show to amuse ourselves. You were just to my right I think the blonde curly hair guy was sort of between us a bit. I did hear that he missed high school graduation, wasn't sure if I heard right. Good choice on his part! :)

    Ok, its a plan. Keep me posted on what shows you go to. I am in the Cleveland area so I'll be at any shows near here and in driving distance as well! :cheers


    I'm listening to the show as I type (I'm supposed to be working too!!) :music IG is ending. What a show.

  7. Thanks Donna for fixing the pics! :cheekkiss



    i was next to you!! wow. i was thinking about it the other day as i was reading posts and connecting a couple other people around me at the various shows i was at this week. we should have some secret VCer code so we'll know right away who is on the board without having that awkward ice breaker...so are you on ViaChicago (which i tried at the Vic theater fundraising show to a guy who had never been to a show before or really listented to wilco, it was great).


    Rats! I wish I would have known! My sister lives in Philly, I'm sure I'll frequent shows you're nearby, perhaps we'll meet yet! Well, it was nice dancing next to you at least! :lol

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