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Posts posted by wilcogirl

  1. My fellow Wilco travelers and I met Pat and John before, after and again after the Pittsburg show in 2004, and we all ended up having a beer and a chat with them. They were both incredibly friendly and down to earth. Plus he can shake the maracas like a mad man! I think this emoticon was made with him in mind :dancing Yeay Pat!

  2. I'll let my wife upload the Wilco pics, but here are some Low pics from the show, and 2 Jeff Tweedy's that I took. She's got a bunch more.


    Great photos, thanks for sharing! ....can't wait to see your Wilco pics, too. I think you and your wife were directly in front of my sister and I (if you are who I think you are, you were front and center, we were right next to the fellow with the blond curly hair right behind you) We have some to upload as well that we'll share soon.


    A few notes from my experiences:


    What a great time. Thank you Wilco for playing your hearts out to all of us!!! Despite some of the reports about sound problems in the pavilion and lawn (from my ears, Jeff sounded like he was turned down a tad too much--vocals not instruments--but beyond that it sounded great where we were), I second (or third or fourth) that this was my favorite Wilco show by far. The energy between audience and band was just out of control crazy fun.


    Did anyone catch Jeff "blowing" invisible pixie dust (I think at the end of Hummingbird?) toward Glenn, who timed it just so by striking some chimes, so it sounded like it the dust blew across the stage?


    Glenn was so fun to watch. He reminds me of Animal from the Muppets when he plays, and I mean that only as the highest of compliments!! They all played at that level though, it was a treat to be present for it. So glad we made the trek.


    And finally, hi Isadora, I think I've put two and two together, you may have been right next to us on our right--didn't realize I had posted in your graphic design thread here before! :)

  3. I wasn't formally trained in graphic design but I have a degree in fine art. I have my own business and have been getting a lot of freelance graphic work and am training for typesetting/book design currently. So I guess my answer is... sort of ! :)


    Edit: What do you do graphic designly speaking isadorah (and you posters before me)?

  4. Oh right, I guess I didn't realize it was GA. I just had this image of someone trying to make small talk with a stranger that they had just siphoned some serious money out of their pockets. Not that anyone is bidding as it was pointed out...

  5. Is that the auction where you have to enter the building (and sit with) the seller? How could a person in good conscious sit next to someone they just took $1200 (minus actual ticket price and fees, I'll give them that) from??



    Grammar edit: would that be good conscious or good conscience? I'm thinking the latter?

  6. Yes to cilantro! :yes (as if my list wasn't long enough... :blush)


    Oh, and I like the chocolate and raspberry thing very much. :thumbup


    I figure interwebs and e-mail checking goes without saying. :hmm


    Does that mean I can scratch off email checking and not consider it obsessive? Yeay!


    I like the cheese, jewelry making and morning coffee, color blue and wildflowers to name a few from your list...we'd get along well! :)

  7. so now that people have this record/cd in their hands, where is it ranking in order of release date? any changes?


    Hi formerly known as BBH. Remember me? I haven't posted in a long while. Your question intrigued me though and I thought I'd give it a whirl. This is my opinion:










  8. :lol I'd like to change mine. But there is nothing good to come of Laminated Kat.


    Your name is great, Laminated Kat don't change it! Had I originally picked out a cool name like that, I would not have changed mine. Wilcogirl was just so..... meh. So here I am... with a name that will probably be confused with "pariah" :lol Maybe I should have consulted you before I changed.

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