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pillowy star

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Status Updates posted by pillowy star

  1. Happy Birthday Aotearoa

  2. Is it really 7 years ago today, on a brisk sunny cold winter day just like today, that I waited outside the Oberhausen Arena to be let in for an REM show, when a guy was introduced to me as "the taper"? Well, he's basically had to give up that sort of thing because his wife doesn't really appreciate having to shut up during entire shows she wants to cherish with him because "the mics are strapped to my shoulders! ssshhh!" :P Happy 1st meeting anniversary, Robert

  3. I feel like I'm coming right out of a fucking madhouse whenever I've been spending an afternoon in that place!!!

  4. Just popped a bottle of Heidsieck plonk into the freezer :-D:-D:-D

  5. OMG we might MIGHT have found the land we want to build our house on. MIGHT. I'm trying to not get my hopes up too much, but if anyone could send some spare vibes during the next 24 hours, I wouldn't mind taking them!!

  6. 464 € to get a simple car serviced and MOTed?? WTF?? If that doesn't prove that driving is sheer luxury these days, I don't know what will :-(

  7. sometimes feels like the personified discrepancy between the head and the heart ... Head: "oh this is a total No-No! Very bad! Slap on the wrist!" Heart: "hahahaha :-D hilarious! I would've done something much worse! *evil grin*" ...

  8. Thank you Eactive Sports for giving me the opportunity to do two sets of boxing, because all I wanted to do this afternoon was to punch someone in the face ...

  9. Cooking rule no. 1 from Yours Truly: No matter what is lurking in the fridge/store cupboard .... as soon as you add coriander and chopped chillies, it will taste great.

  10. I can't believe that after donkey's years of failed attempts, I managed to do a proper Tempura batter at last. Literally inhaled the most gorgeous crispiest prawns *crunch* :-)

  11. is flabbergasted about the variety of the most amazing floorboard options that her landlords so far managed to hide from her!!

  12. Can't believe this week is over at last. Don't really want to come to terms with the fact that most likely the whole of 2012 will be THIS exhausting ... But I guess that's sort of normal when you're going to build a house :-) Now phones off and end of fortnight alcohol abstinence in order to celebrate our decision for a brand new own home!

  13. Isnt it just great when you go for a grocery shop only to find out that literally everything you need is on special offer :-D? Even better followed by the discovery that one of my cooking recipes has apparently again been published in my favorite cooking mag! Good day today for sure. Now it's time to relax at last.

  14. I have the most awesome Boss & Superboss :-D They obviously understand the importance of Wilco Shows compared to staff Trainings, and were nice enough to postpone the latter a week due to my begging. Brussels here we come

  15. EA SPORTS Active 2 = OUCH. :-/

  16. Flat clean, pets stuffed until Thursday, bags packed ... Is it really true? Are we really gonna be in Dover this time tomorrow?

  17. It's here it's here it's here!! 2 weeks of leisure!! *doing a little happy dance* :D

  18. I normally don't do these, but this is real fun (thanks Lucy !)1. Your Real name : Dunja Chapman2. Your detective name (Favorite color and favorite Animal): Black Octopus3. Your soap opera name (middle name and street you live on): Ilona Swanlane4. Your Star wars name (first three letters of last name,first two of middle name / first two of first,last three of last): Cha Il Duman5. Superhero name (color of your shirt,first item to your immediate left): Grey Mouse6. Goth name (Black and...

  19. Wednesday evening means more than half of the week is over. 2 more days to go. Yayness!

  20. Two down, 3 more days to go. Long day today, but got home with lovely little gifts (home made cookies! alcohol!) from our ladies that will brighten the last remaining days. Quote of the day: "You don't have to please everyone. You just have to please *us*. .......... No that didn't come out right!" [my boss consoling one of the branch managing ladies] ROTFLMFAO!!

  21. One down, 4 more days to go... Very lovely phonecall this afternoon that made my day ;) Chocolate bubble bath in order tonight before tomorrow's 12 h day on the road with the best boss ever.

  22. Das war ganz schön feucht-fröhlich gestern. Ok, mehr feucht als fröhlich. Sowas wie Euch krieg ich nie mehr wieder. Danke Euch allen

  23. Die Bosheit trinkt die Hälfte ihres eigenen Giftes ~ Lucius Annaeus Seneca

  24. Waiting for the parental unit to arrive for Banana Walnut Cake, Schnitzel, ridiculously big beers and of course Forest Berry Pavlova for dessert :)

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