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lost highway

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Posts posted by lost highway

  1. This is true. One good turn deserves another. But honestly how fair can we be about Radiohead? They seem to make people say things....wonderful things.....terrible things.


    But I did realize this. Re:Topic name. There must be little merit to the statement at the top. Because it produced arguments about: VC, Radiohead, NPR and even better my statement about someone else's statement. So to answer the thread: little merit. But I find Tweedy statements, NPR and tongue-tied's most on-time criticism of my circular sentence: meritful.

  2. Honestly, I think everyone on that message board listens to Radiohead and that puts them in a pretty low category.


    Oh I hope you don't mean that. Cause if its a joke its funny, otherwise it means you have bad taste and your nasty about it.



    His statements, much like his lyrics, often don't make any sense. They're for the NPR crowds to say, "Oh yeah, that was deep." Then take another bong hit.


    Wait a second. I think much of what I have heard from his interviews is refreshing and insightful. Kind of like NPR. And why stigmatize marijuana use? Would you rather he sound off some trite kibble like fox news and then you can drink a bud lite and high five the president?

  3. But YHF didn't have the sound level variation problems that AGIB had. They both had their problems.


    The "problems" you speak of are more often called dynamics. Unfortunately in the last ten years new fancy digital mastering techniques have completely taken all of them out and made the loudest cd possible. Some people (maybe mostly nerds) still like albums that can get quieter, but in todays market they seem challenging to peoples exhausted ears. If you imagine the comic book store owner from the simpsons saying this that is fair, but AGIB was sonically one of the most refreshing album to come out in ages.

  4. 90 percent of the board just had a heart attack....including myself.


    Alright, we're not taking the lords name in vein. I lived by BT one summer, and I still have a fond place in my heart for it, but it is as all double albums tend to be, a little uneven. Its not as perfect open to close as YHF. And after listening to KT, and YHF a ton, the braveness of opening with Misunderstood is diminished a bit. Its great, but its great in that it points to the later live versions and moments like Via Chicago on Summerteeth. Or maybe great in the way that makes me want to start smoking again.


    Wait were we talking about SBS? love it. Great record, I find myself more of a You Are My Face, Impossible Germany, Sky Blue Sky guy then a Shake It Off, Hate it Here guy. But I definitely do not skip those tunes. Oh and re:What Light being cheesy. Try this experiment: have a rough night, get up really early for work, drive half way to work and drink half of your coffee, then play it. It sounds like hope and beauty resurrected. Or play it midway through an average Sunday on your way to the grocery store and think that it is cheesy and also pretty good. Side effects may vary depending on the patient. Do not take with methamphetamines.

  5. Ah this is excellent practice for my Spanish. I can teach pre-school in Spanish yet I struggle to describe/read descriptions of music in spanish. There seems to be a fascination with Arcade Fire going on internationally. I love when someone asked him if YHF was their creative peek. He says: "I hope not!!"

  6. I really dislike the instrumental part during the "shake it off" section, the sloppy descending 2nds are annoyingly atonal and destroy the rhythmic groove established...


    I'm not just trying to be argumentative, but every time I hear this song in my head I hear those awesomely discordant 2nds.... way playful for a Wilco riff. I'm hoping high quality audio when I buy the album can give Kotche's drums the punch they need on this song.

  7. As someone who has enjoyed such outtakes as The High Heat, Panthers (yes I think the studio version is amazing), Cars Cant Escape, Kicking Television, I can't help but wonder how many studio numbers are finished that arent on SBS. Obviously Wreck Myself, and The Thanks I Get, but theres gotta be a few we've never heard. How many do you guys think are out there, and what are the odds they will ever see the light of day?

  8. They are both definitely slow country shuffles, maybe even same key. I am gonna step out on a limb here and say I think SBS is better. And I always loved-will always love Far, Far Away. Oh, I dont know if I can say that. The songs are two beautiful sisters, SkyBlueSky is just a bit more lyrically sophisticated.

  9. For those who say it's "boring," "adult contemporary," "Muzak," or whatever, that's fine; it's certainly your opinion. But my bet is that somewhere down the road, it may be months, or it could be years, that same person will grow to love this record.


    Yes. And I am once again tempted to loosely quote David Fricke's take on album absorption. "Some people are gonna get it. If you don't thats just kind of too bad." Theres alot of albums I don't get. I get this album more every time I put it on, and it gets me. That gets really, really nice.

  10. We've been all working on being tolerant around here, so in the most friendly way possible: I am completely shocked that anyone would put AM ahead of everything. It is so unlike everything they have ever done, I would hate Wilco for the last ten years if I thought AM was the best thing ever.

  11. Amen. For my money, this kicks the living shit out of AGIB. If anything has surprised me about the last week, it's the shower of love that album has received.

    I, for one agree with you.....halfway. AGIB and SBS are starting to look like companion albums to me. Their similarities being their very organic, live analog recording sound. And the level of expressiveness in the playing. Thematically and mood wise AGIB seems like its looking down a long dark tunnel, there is definitely some light but its pretty dark stuff, Sky Blue Sky seems to step out (excuse the pun). They're two different moods that compliment each other extremely well.

  12. I've only got about seventy percent of the album so far, so hard to say. This is really damn cheesey to say but the shit just chokes me up. It fully captures what killed me when I saw them at the Fillmore (Denver). This sense that their sound and communication with each other is filled with this really romantic kind of humanism. Listening to these songs feels overwhelmingly positive. Much more "joyful" then AGIB.


    Right now suprisingly all I can say stands out is that Walken is my least favorite. Something I never expected.


    Can anyone send me mp3 of Patient With Me, Leave Me Like You Found Me, or Side With the Seeds? (If thats not cool to ask for I understand, but I will be at the record store early in the morning when this comes out)

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