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Posts posted by zebra

  1. Yeah Laurie, that Hummingbird school photo was great almost like it should be entered in the next Wilco photo contest. Nice photos Gogo. I looked through to see if you got any with my bro in them, but you didn't. That guy in the front row with the black sports pull over and red text (with the pregnant woman) got real mad when my brother pushed his way into the front row for photos. He'll have them up soon.

  2. Two corrections to the above text. Glenn wore the horse mask in the beginning of ITMWLY, not Hate It Here and I don't remember how Hummingbird blended into Ashes, but I do remember they just kept going, but Jeff also had to get a guitar.



    The drive from Phoenix was long, but extremely beautiful and we arrived an hour later than we anticipated due to Arizona and New Mexico being in two different time zones. Sorry to Laurie and Rick for this because it would have been nice to sit, eat, and just talk to some other Wilco fans. The venue seemed a lot smaller than I thought. What did it hold? 1000? I think that the six VCers up front has amazing seats! It seemed like the night of Jeff Tweedy playing an acoustic guitar, or for some reason I noticed it a lot. He even mentioned how the first half of the set was mellower because he wanted us to use our comfortable red seats. We refused to sit and he said he underestimated us and told us he'd make it up.


    It was odd seeing Jeff take the stage with no guitar, so I figured they were either opening with Hummingbird or On and On and On. Sitting in front of Nels was just breathtaking. Watching that man at work and being able to hear his guitar slightly louder than everything else was cool too. When he was playing his lap steel, he would play with some switches on a table to alter his sound. When he was doing this, I kept thinking of an Astronaut sitting in a space ship messing with an instrument panel. Mike took a break from playing keyboard and throwing stuff at Glenn to play a penguin tambourine on a few songs. He looked like he was having a good time with it. It's also nice to see Pat come out from behind his gear to play guitar. During Hoodoo Voodoo, Pat and Nels put on a good show playing back and forth to each other. John seemed to be the least animated, but never the less, kept the blood of the show flowing with his bass. Jeff was, well, Jeff. There wasn't too much banter at first, except he just kept mentioning "Albuquerque" and his zit on his forehead. Since we were at a college, I think he thought we were all students there, until he looked out into the crowd. A lot of people traveled a long way to be there. Laurie and Rick, I did mention to some of the guys I had to drive all the way back to Phoenix after the party, but then followed that up with telling them fans came in all the way from Boston. They were blown away by this showing of fan support. Jeff took his hat off once to fix his hair and it was so funny. He took the sides and pulled them out and claimed he was trying to look 'hip' like Pat, but ended up looking like Bozo. Glenn was also great last night. And why not, he's Glenn Kotche? Jeff started to play ITMWLY and stopped the song when Glenn wouldn't stand up. There were a few of us fans who knew what Jeff was trying to get Glenn to do, so we all started scream for him to do it and stand. Glenn started to blush and didn't want to. I guess he is still somewhat humble and/or shy. But, he saw a horse mask that his drum tech left lying next to Glenn, so, he picked it up, put it on and stood up. Classic. Glenn truly is an animal behind the drums. Sorry, I had to say that.


    I'm not sure if they were supposed to really play Outta Mind (Outta Sight) because the band looked like they were wrapping it up, but I saw Jeff scream at the guys "OUTTA MIND!" and made sure they followed. The after party wasn't too long because they had to hit the road, but all the guys were extremely nice. We got SBS and One True Vine promo cardboard sleeve (with the single bird on it) signed by all the guys, which ended up as a mission from Glenn for us because not everybody was at the party. Thanks again Glenn. Then we drove back in the dark and I watched the sun come up behind me. With the sun came elk, a lot of elk in Northern Arizona. Good to know, I didn't hit any, but I did see an overturned truck on the highway. Maybe they tried not to hit one. It was also cool to see snow still on the mountains in Flagstaff. And the last thought of the day. I stopped at a rest area near Sedona, to sit, look at the mountain and drink the free water Glenn gave me. When I got back in the car, I noticed that the square bottle didn't fit in my car's round cup holders. Get some round water bottles guys. That's all for now.


    My brother took 700+ photos, so he still has to sort through them all and edit them. When he does, I'll have a link up. For now, you can see a small group of them at his Flickr page.


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