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Posts posted by zebra

  1. anyone else like glenn, or like his solo stuff?

    I love his solo stuff and On Fillmore. I also pick up records he is on.


    anyway i play drums and i almost have his exact set up

    Really? Can you post some photos? Also, do you have the prepared snare and the air tube for the floor tom?



    Glenn is one of the more entertaining, and talented, drummers that I have ever seen.

    I would say the most...



    I could watch him for days.

    I could watch him for years...



    Can't wait to see him this Thursday.

    I am sure you will love it, but the only thing is he will not be playing a full set like he has been.


    Sorry, but I am sure you can tell I really admire him as a drummer and a person in general. He is probably the most down to earth musician I have ever met. Just don't call him a "rock star". To see some recent photos of him, check out my brother's website. Look under concerts and portraits.

  2. 6. They release records for their fans to hear 2.5 months before the scheduled release date

    Did they release the record? Because I was under the understanding that they only gave about 75 copies to the top music critics in the country. I thought one of them leaked the album.

  3. While KTV is an amazing live album, I would personally start with Ghost. Although, it might take a few listens before it hits you. The person who told you Ghost was bad probably is more into the alt-country aspect of their previous albums and didn't like the new sound. Then again, you can always go to Wilco's website and listen to the whole album (track by track) under 'Records' before you decide to buy.



  4. Sounds good. Is this the whole song or just a large chunk? It sounds like there should be more to the beginning. I agree Wilco is rock, but this song seems a little country to me. Oh, well.




  5. I saw him down in Tucson last night and am still in awe. Until you see him play up close and personal, you can't even imagine how good of a musician he is. There were 40 people there at the most. Unfortunately, people were very rigid and quite and didn't seem to respond like he is used to. I will post photos when my brother is done sorting out the over 600 he took.



  6. where did you see the cover art?

    At this point, I would rather not say out of respect because I stumbled upon it, and am quite sure I wasn't ment to see it, but it was from an official Wilco source. Tomorrow, I am going to see Glenn's show and see if I can ask him if that is indeed the cover art. I know by not saying where I saw the art or posting an image it might seem like I really haven't seen it and am just making it up, but remember my description for the future. Then again, the art I saw might be for the single of "Sky Blue Sky".

  7. I will be seeing him in Tucson on Wednesday. I can't wait. Seeing him play close up has alwasy been a highlight of my life and I think this preformance will just add to that.



  8. Has anybody else seen what appears to be the album art? It's black and white with a black bird near the lower right corner and the left 2/3 of the square are filled with a bunch of other black birds flying in chaos or away form the lone bird. Simple and nice.

  9. I am trying to listen to Glenn's podcast and it doesn't seem to be working. When I click on the link, I get a very long page of odd text. I am doing something wrong or is the link bad. I don't often listen to podcasts, so the problem could be me.



  10. I hate cardboard outercases, by the way. Nearly as much as I hate the see-through cd holders - they just look bad to me (even with some kind of picture behind them), don't know quite why.

    I think I know why slipcases are used. Look on a normal CD without a slipcase. On the back, you have a barcode and a bunch of "fine print", legal stuff. If you use a slipcase, you can put the barcode and fine print, legal text on the slipcase and have a nice clean back for the actuall CD. I think it lets the artist have album art they really want.

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