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Doctor B

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Posts posted by Doctor B

  1. Are you really making this a gun control or gay issue? This is an Islamic extremist, who the authorities could have stopped but did not, committing terrorist murder in the US. Why do you bend over backwards to keep from acknowledging the truth? You guys call everyone a racist at the drop of a hat but refuse to call these nut jobs what they really are: anti liberal, anti women, anti Jews, anti gay, anti West, etc. If you guys were alive in 1941, you would have blamed Pearl Harbor on anti- Asian rhetoric.....

  2. I still wish we could watch O'Malley debate Kasich as the respective nominees. They'd be all, "I hear what you're saying, and I know you believe that will help Americans the most, but I just can't agree. Several studies suggest.... There's a historical precedent.... We both agree that the working poor deserve a better chance."


    Instead we're bracing for a brutal summer and fall of crappy reality TV and vitriol.

  3. I guess I have a different approach. I don't see how raising taxes is going to help anything economically. I agree to disagree. I do appreciate the discussion and different viewpoints.

    I still think Trump and Bernie have many similar approaches to trade, jobs, etc. which I don't agree with. Anger from the left and right, though understandable, rendered any candidate with moderate agendas dead on the water. I still feel Webb, Kasich, and Rubio had the best positions.

  4. I still haven't heard how are you paying for free tuition. We run a yearly deficit already without this massive give away. The cost are unreal. No answer as to who is eligible. I suspect anyone in the US including illegals will be eligible, since it would be considered racist to not include them in this program. Since over 40% of Americans pay no taxes, the money will have to come from others being told to pay your fair share. Those who have no stake will cheer this on.


    Bernie may believe this for real which means he is as nuts as those that blow themselves up to meet their 7 virgins. Fervor does not equate to good policy.

  5. I think Trump is shooting from the hip and captured the mood of the majority of the country that is against open borders. It is what propelled him to an improbable win. I have not heard Trump being considered a bigot until his immigration rhetoric. No, I do not think he is bigot. Obnoxious, he'll yeah.


    As for Mexico, my point is that the country that gets mad if any leader from the US tries to stop rampant border crossing is in turn unwilling to help immigrants by allowing them into their own country.

    Hell yeah. I hate auto correct

  6. There is no reasonable debate with some of you since you demean any that disagree with you by charging racism, being a rube, etc. The intolerance that I see is from the left, not the right.


    Apart from immigration, Trump and Bernie are pretty close. One can be for controlling the border without being racist. By the way, Mexico is refusing to take in the Cuban refugees from Panama. Typical hypocrisy.


    I think Trump wins this election going away.

  7. Maybe so. However, Cruz will not be the candidate. It will be interesting to see how Trump vs Hillary pans out. I think there are a lot of liberals who are anti-interventionists, anti-trade agreements who may be more comfortable with Trump and there may be some conservatives, particularly neo cons and wall street types, who may be more comfortable with Clinton. All bets are off for this crazy election.


    I was not defending Cruz, who I dislike. What it comes down to is that you vote for who you want and then overlook the same characteristics in your candidate that you criticize in the opponent. Kind of like Alabama/Auburn.

  8. No, I think he's saying it's absurd to presuppose blocking a nominee before any specific person is actually mentioned.


    You are correct. My mistake. I apoligize.  The President should be able to nominate who he wants and Congress has a right to block or support that nominee. Unfortunately, this has become so political in the last 30 years that I think the whole process is poisoned- qualifications really do not seem to matter.

  9. Its extremely sad that they are already saying that they will block any nominee before ever hearing a word about who that nominee might be.  It would be one thing if there was a formal nomination, like Robert Bork, Clarence Thomas etc... Pure politics, pure spite.  But it plays well with their base.

    So its ok to block if YOU do not like their politics/legal approach but not ok to block if you like the nominee? 

  10. Sad. Mott was one of the bands of my youth. Mott was one of the truly good rock albums. Loud as hell live.  Glad platform shoes went out of style, though.


     Remembering the Ballad of Mott the Hoople:


    "Buffin lost his child-like dreams and Mick lost his guitar

    And Verden grew a line or two and Overend's just a rock and roll star

    Behind these shades, the vision fades as I learned a thing or two

    Oh but if I had my time again you all know just what I'd do"

  11. I am not aware of any war won by bombing. WW 2 was aided by bombing and facilitated Japan's surrender but was not won by bombing. Vietnam was a good example of the limits of bombing. Bombing the hell out of them is a stupid, stupid plan. Bombing just a little is even dumber.


    The real issue is do you or do you not believe radical Islam is a real, growing threat. I do and I suspect some of you do not and that may account for some rather pointed disagreements in this forum. I do not equate this with the early days of Vietnam where our policies doomed the war. North Vietnam was never a threat to America or its neighbors. ISIS is different. I believe it needs to be destroyed.


    War sucks. Have any of you ever been to a VA? It can be heartbreaking. Be careful about war but if in one, go for the throat. You cannot eliminate civilian casualties, particularly when your enemy uses schools and hospitals as a safe house for their fighters. Consider civilians but this should not deter your plans.

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