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Posts posted by bigideas

  1. I have not heard this "classic" album but I have heard Time of the Seson about 4 trillion times (just heard it last at a restaurant that plays oldies) over the years and frankly the song is kind of lame all in all. Listen to the words sometime. I plan to play the entire album for the first time in my life sometime this week.




    like someone else said, TotS is not representable of the album at all. if you like layers of harmony, mellotron strings, beautiful 60's arrangements, creepy pop songs, joyous pop songs, etc, etc, you will like this.


    seriously, if you like the Zombies at all, pick up Zombie Heaven and just get all their recorded output.

  2. Great album! One of my top 5. I unfortunately have nothing to add about the sound quality!

    "Maybe After He's Gone" ???


    i think it might be This Will Be Our Year.

    the Mono is not only a different mix, but has added horn elements - i think the recorded it live as mixing to Mono, so these elements can't be redone for a Stereo mix, they are permenant.


    i would have to actually get out the discs/book to confirm though.

  3. this album is amazing - no weak tracks!


    my first listen was via the Repertoire edition. it has tons of extra tracks all good.


    then later i got the great box set, Zombie Heaven, which is four discs within a beautiful bound book with lots of details. all the recorded output is in there and it's pretty much all good.


    one thing with the Rep version - it has a different version of one song as to how it was originally released...........it's been awhile, but one song had horns (i think?) dubbed on and the Rep version doesn't have these on there. without actually sounds better to me, but that is something to consider. of course, Zombie Heaven has everything.


    back when i bought it i think most versions were quite expensive, and i found Zombie Heaven for a relatively low price on eBay brand new.

  4. I just feel that the White Stripes are going to run out of things to do with only two people. There's so much more they could do with the Raconteurs.


    i don't really understand this statement - live you can only do so much because you have 4 hands, but as far as recording there are infinte possibilities. jack plays guitar, bass and piano - if you play piano then you have all keyboard instruments at your feet - you can create endlessly with these instruments.

  5. Ok.

    You have to have Quicktime 7 to access the bonus content.

    QT 7 requires Win 00.

    I still got 98SE.

    I know, I know, I need to update (I got my computer right around the time Win2000 was released).

    But really, I have no need other than very minor things like this.

    What I use my computer for mainly (recording music and surfing the net) work fine still with Win98SE.


    Anyways, I guess I will not get to download this track even though I have earned the right to by purchasing the record - the CD/DVD version no less.


    Maybe I can borrow my dad's newer laptop and download it and then burn a disc.

    Really though, if I have to download QT there as well, that will suck, as we have no need for it.


    I wish they would have just put the files on the disc itself.

  6. even though no one answered my question i'll still be nice...


    you need to head pronto to Merge and preorder the album....the mailorder e-mail has been fast responding too if you want to make sure there is still some left before ordering.

  7. pitchfork has a video for Ghost - doesn't seem official.

    idk, not too crazy about that song for the time being........same feeling with moonlight, although so much music has come out lately i haven't devoted much time to it.

  8. I'm eons behind everyone. With the exception of hearing What Light once on Myspace and live versions of Either Way and Walken, I had heard nothing before Wed. Obviously this thread is long and I didn't get to read every post, but I also didn't want to make my own thread just to be redirected. So here goes:


    First listen on my long drive home from work - thinking the Pitchfork review might be right.


    Next day listen on the way to work - began to love it.


    Now a couple days later - really loving it.


    70's nods that I hear (that have prob already been pointed out)


    - Dark Side keyboards on Side With Seeds

    - Beatles Birthday esque sounding riff on Hate it Here

    - Houses of the Holy era Led Zep sounds - Mellotron on Side, lap steel on Walken (think Dancing Days)


    the only 60's i hear are Al Kooper esque B3 and folky guitar


    To me the only "clunker" on the album is "Leave Me." It's definitely not bad, it just doesn't have a memorable melody and/or lyrics. Every other song I can look at the title and recall some part of it, but this one I can't. It feels like an A.M. b-side or something.


    I think the album would be perfect without Leave Me as an 11 song album.


    Favorite parts of the album at this point:


    -the 2 bits in Shake It Off where Glen hits the cowbell(?)

    this little detail makes me smile, and it's even done on the DVD


    -the repeating one note guitar 'solo' towards the end of Walken with the band then coming in

  9. I'm torn, because I want this song so badly, yet hate iTunes. If there was some way I could buy it from some other source, I'd do it.


    I would like to hear it as well and do not do the iTunes thing.


    You know, I imagine there's a good chance Wilco will do a download EP accesible through your bought CD at some point and it will probably be on there.

  10. i bet some will shout blasphemy, but this is the REM i know. if someone wants to burn me copies of their earlier stuff, i'll gladly take a listen.


    Automatic for the People


    New Adv in HiFi




    Not the biggest on New Adv but I've dug all the other albums pretty good at one time or another - usually some time after originally getting them.

  11. I printed the target webpage with it for 19.99 and went to best buy. They price matched it for me.


    I always do that. I hate going to my local Target and Circuit City because they never have what i want. Best Buy does and even if they dont have it the cheapest they will price match.


    I went all over town - Hasting's, Cir City and Target didn't have it. before i left i printed up the online Target 19.99 price. it was 22.99 at BB, and i took it to the counter and they said they don't match online prices, not even BB online prices. apparently this has changed since Guero came out because that was exactly what i did at that time.

  12. For the record the ep is the beautiful studio version of "One True Vine" and "Theologians (Live)". Since Theologians wasn't on the Kicking TV record and it's from the same series of shows I'm assuming it's an outtake, but who knows.


    so this "ep" is only two tracks? that seems more like a single or promo item (which it is).

  13. I'm pretty sure it will be top 10, but Maroon and Linkin Park will both be ahead of it.

    Also, past Idol people are usually in the top 10, so Daughtry or Carrie Underwood could be in there. Country Music Awards show tonight, so Miranda Lambert/Blake Shelton could still be up there or another country star if someone wins a lot of awards.

  14. I printed the target webpage with it for 19.99 and went to best buy. They price matched it for me.


    I always do that. I hate going to my local Target and Circuit City because they never have what i want. Best Buy does and even if they dont have it the cheapest they will price match.


    I would go to a local indie store and pay more but i'd have to drive into atlanta to do that...... and i avoid that for quick trips.


    Is this a big hassle? Once I saw that the BB online price was significantly cheaper than instore (this was with the Spec Ed of Beck's Guero) and I asked them about it and they looked it up and sold it for that price. Of course, I had to go over to the help disc and fill out a form I think. I usually pick up CD's on my lunch break so time is of the essence.


    did DualDisc format totally disappear?


    I don't know how it works, but I'm not sure DualDisc could have supported 45 mins of video.

  15. At the Wilco store there is only a $5 differential between the regular CD edtion and the CD/DVD edition.


    Usually when something comes out and is not in the Sunday ad papers I'll compare prices online. Really odd how much difference there is from store to store.


    Target, Best Buy and Circuit City all have the regular edition for $11.99.


    The big difference is the special edition:


    Target = 19.99 ($8 diff)

    CirCty = 20.99 ($9 diff)

    BstBuy= 24.99 ($13 diff!!!)


    Is there actual different packaging (i.e. physical content, photos) in the spec edition of just the DVD itself?


    A single DVD (purchased in bulk to manufacture) probably costs very little. Don't understand the substantial difference.

  16. "Since I've been living and breathing Wilco for the last few years, it's always hard for me to comprehend how little-known they are. Not that it really matters. Just interesting."


    They are not that 'little-known.' I'm pretty sure YHF and AGIB were both featured in Sunday ad papers on their release week.

  17. Starflyer is good, but I wouldn't call any run 'great.' On many of the more upbeat numbers, he seems to recycle some of his prior chord progressions and it's kind of annoying. I noticed this on the newest one moreso than anywhere else.


    Still, "New Wife, New Life" is one of my favorite tunes. Too bad it's quite sterile in a live setting.



    The Fashion Focus

    Everybody Makes Mistakes

    Leave Here a Stranger


    (Portuguese Blues)

    Talking Voice vs. Singing Voice


    That's a pretty solid string of albums. Portuguese isn't horrible (neither is My Island) to me, but not as strong as the others.


    p.s. i'm very anxious to get the first shipment of their 7" club they're doing this year.

  18. Of Montreal have made a lot of great albums and had a lot of releases. I'm sure I probably own more CD's of them than anyone, and I like just about every single track.


    Decemberists can make it with cheating:


    Castaways and Cutouts

    Her Majesty

    (Tain EP)


    The Crane Wife


    Starflyer 59 seem to have released an album and/or EP every year for probably 10 years or longer.


    my other already mentioned:

    Beatles, Beach Boys, Talking Heads, Dylan


    oh, another:

    Simon & Garfunkel

  19. aren't all radiohead's songs about paranoia? AH! the sky is falling the world is going to end! We hate major corporations but we're signed by capital records!


    Hail to the Thief was their sixth and final album in their Capitol deal. So for the time being (unless I have missed it) they are labelless. But I'm guessing it will be announced soon since their album is already done and has at least started being mixed as of a few months ago.

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