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the new frugality

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About the new frugality

  • Rank
    A Cherry Ghost

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    Rochester, NY
  1. It is what it is but only two posts were on topic... Mike McCready has been giving a lot of love to the Jeff Tweedy SG on this current tour. If you YouTube any Pearl Jam live stuff from 10/18 and on, you will see him using it. I wonder if he has the same tuning issues that the rest of us have? It doesn't really matter though because someone is tuning all of his guitars. Seeing Mike use the JT SG really validates my purchase! He is quite the player. PS - it's the trem system that makes the tuning difficult... Use it or not, it's still unstable under the weight of your hand. I ch
  2. I second or third that. If anyone is reminiscent of the GD, it is the Cardinals... or was the Cardinals. The Cardinals have even covered a handful of Dead of the years. Ryan Adams has a Skull sticker on one of his amps. Although Wilco fans often listen to jam bands, they have nothing that would be classified as such. Wilco is a straight up rock band these days, and a damn good one to note, arguably the best around right now. I do agree that Nels is nasty, but he's not a jam band player like say a Trey Anastasio or Warren Haynes. All of those guys have mastered the instrument but in d
  3. If anyone sees it posted... don't be afraid to let the rest of know! thanks!
  4. Obviously a forum / message board is a place to form and distribute opinions, but man, how cynical are we? Nothing is ever good enough for some. I thought the sound was muffled and had the lows turned up too high for the Connor Oberst, but by the time Wilco played, it was great. It must have really depended on where you were sitting. The venue was really like no other I've ever been too, but it was cool that they came there to play. The guy that got the picture with Tweedy probably caught the thrill of a lifetime when he got the picture with him. It will be a memory that he will t
  5. I snoozed and lost. I'd prefer seats but am open to lawn tix.
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