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Posts posted by napoleon

  1. Last year some of my students told me that there was a Facebook group dedicated to me. I didn't bother to check it out until recently--apparently, I am a "real-life Mr. Feeney." I guess I'm, uh, flattered, or something.


  2. For what is worth, the acting in Hot Fuzz is a little better. It doesn't come off as so much of a "British Fratboy" type movie. It leans a little more on story than Shaun does. Not as much hitting the people over the head, 3 Stooges, type comedy; although I would say that there are parts in Fuzz that are a lot funnier than Shaun . It's kind of like some British guy watched a Monty Python movie, followed by a Starsky and Hutch re-run, then watched an episode or two of Scooby Do, and then he fell asleep and had a dream. Hot Fuzz would be the dream. I liked it but hat is just my opinion.


    I just watched the Departed for the first time. I was very skeptical about it so I never made an effort to watch it. Something about having DiCaprio and Marky Mark in the same movie was kind of a put off. I was actually pleasantly surprised though. It has one of the best endings of any movie I have seen this year. Wahlburg's character ended up being my favorite one out of the whole cast, which had more big name actors in it than I realized before I started watching it. DiCaprio does do his traditional overacting though. His performance kind of reminded me of his performance in Gangs of New York, only with a bad Irish accent.


    i watched the trailer again and it looks enjoyable. i'll check it out soon. i've been in the mood for a good comedy. i've been watching too many 2+ hour films here lately and my brain is fried. (especially after apocalypse now (thank god it wasn't redux))


    i enjoyed the departed more than i'll let off. people ask me and i'm like "no, fuck the departed. infernal affairs 4 lyfe." but i enjoyed it. ESPECIALLY the ending. i'm glad scorsese added that in. that was my favorite part about it.


    my biggest complaint with the departed was the language. don't get me wrong, profanity is an art form. and i will stand by that statement until the day i die. and i know the guys are irish and live in boston, but seriously? the scene where marky mark and the other office are fighting in the conference room is just ridiculous. "you fuckin' fuck fuck i fucked your wife. how is your mother? tired from fuckin' my father. fuckin' get off the fuckin' fuckin' case"


    i go to a public highschool and listen to language like that nonstop. and you know why? it's because i go to a public high school and no one can speak proper english without saying "fuck" five times.

  3. i try wayyyyyyyy too hard to be humphrey bogart.


    i mean, imagine play it again, sam... times 10.


    i seriously can't drive without wearing my fedora, i mean i absolutely refuse to.


    the girl sitting behind me at the theater the weekend before last asked me to take it off because she couldn't see. it hurt to do, but i took it off since she asked nicely.


    i've had pneumonia for the past week, and when i went to the doctor last week he walked in the door and looked directly at my fedora, then at my pajama bottoms and just laughed.


    and to make it worse, i'm made up of about 50% bogie and 50% greaser. i listen to wayyyyyyyyy too much doo-wop and rock and roll. i get the weirdest looks when i pull up next to someone on the road and i'm wearing my fedora and blasting buddy holly.


    i'm not a car fan, not even remotely, but i'd seriously give up a testicle to have a black convertible '57 chevy bel-air.

  4. I watched "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas" last night. I couldn't understand a thing they were saying.


    the first time i watched that i was maybe 14 at the most and had absolutely no clue what was going on and absolutely hated it. but for some reason, i was drawn back to watching it again and again and again and i've grown to absolutely love it.


    is hot fuzz worth checking out? i didn't hate sean of the dead, but i didn't love it. so i was skeptical about hot fuzz. someone convince me!

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