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Posts posted by napoleon

  1. You know the first time I watched Anchorman I didn't think it was that good, but I ended up watching it later on and it started to grow on me. Now I think it is hilarious.


    i might try it again just for you!


    p.s. i'm glad to see there are so many people who disliked 300. i was afraid i was the only one.


    i liked infernal affairs much more than the departed. yes, i know. i get crap all the time for saying that. i call myself a film fan but i dare to dislike on of scorsese's "best" films. :dontgetit


    p.p.s. sin city is absolutely amazing. robert rodriguez is still one of my heros, and he never seems to fail me. i'm sad sin city 2 has been put on hold though so ole' robbie can remake barbarella.

  2. so i totally missed out on this thread because i was grounded for stealing my mothers car and driving to asheville, north carolina to see the misfits...


    and it was totally fucking worth it. i was blown away. and for all you haters, don't you dare say "you didn't see the real misfits" because i don't care.


    plus, i got to meet jerry and dez after the show.

  3. What's the deal with the dude I saw holding up a noose on CNN the other day? I can't recall his name.


    i saw that and i have never been so tempted to smash my television.


    his company sells nooses, to send a message to black people to stop their shenanigans.


    you can say all the derogatory slurs you want: nigger, fag, spic, cracker, (hold on i'm trying to think of another) porch monkey, (this is harder than i thought it would be) ching chong, beaner, honky, etc. but when you make a statement like that, you've seriously crossed the line.


    let's hang him upside down and shove a fork up his ass.

  4. i work at a theater and watched about half of it and it was just ridiculously boring. understand, i love dialogue. but i hate pointless dialogue. and this film was full of it. i think we had about 20 people come see it total yesterday and today (granted, i went home early today, so may people may have shown up for the afternoon shows). hopefully everyone considering seeing it will just stay away.


    perm, you make films? we need to have a big discussion from one filmmaker to another.

  5. Oh come on. You didn't even enjoy the ending where you know who did you know what to you know who? That was the best part of the movie for me. I love seeing smug dicks get theirs.


    i'll admit i really enjoyed that scorsese threw that in there. it was a great twist.

  6. The Departed




    i think i'm the only american who didn't enjoy that film. i mean, i enjoyed it... but it was nothing compared to infernal affairs.


    and seriously, i have no problem against cussing, i believe it's an art form... but still, scorsese needs to learn where to draw the line. the scene where marky mark and martin sheen were fighting in the board room was just ridiculous. "fuck you you fuckin' fuck fuck fuckeroo".


    i understand they're irish, but still.

  7. the asian kung-fu generation.


    i'll die the day any of my friends discover them.


    get these songs. they may be listed under the romanized name or the english.



    "riraito" (rewrite)

    "kimi no machi made" (to your town)

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