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Posts posted by bigloop

  1. Interesting discussion. Times have changed. You know this when you listen to the old Pink Floyd audience recordings where you can hear a pin drop except for the applause between songs.... Every band message board I read has the same discussion: some of the 'fans' suck for some reason or another. The major complaint is talking. It sucks, it's a reality, lead by example, don't get too drunk, get up front.


    In Providence on Sunday, I was fortunate to be able to get up close (love that they do GA shows), and for the second half, after some folks got too heated up and left and made some space, I was on the rail. What a treat. And what a different experience it was being that close. The band, esp Tweedy, is paying attention to what is happening out in front, feeding off whatever energy is being displayed, responding to things the audience is saying or doing, making eye contact, reacting, performing to the stimulus he sees and feels. Whatever people are calling 'crankiness' comes across to me as Tweedy engaging the audience. 20 or so rows back, I've never felt engaged by him in the same way.


    Warning: Anecdote. During the jesus etc. singalong, which he introduced as the 'official song of easter' ... actually not a singalong, because he's given this song away to his fans by letting them sing nearly the ENTIRE song without his accompaniment, just like he says in What Light "what was yours is everyone's from now on" ... a woman standing next to me who knew all the words (and if you're reading this I mean no disrespect) sang loudly and clearly and just slightly out of key. Jeff heard her, gave her most of the song, waited for the third chorus or so, looked directly at her and shushed her, putting his index finger up to his lips with a big smile ... the woman just melted in embarrassed joy. Quite a moment.


    This is what I mean by engagement. They're listening too. There's no show without the audience.

  2. I've got Orch Right, Row A. Got the same call. They said Wilco's bringing their own sound system, including a speaker stack that sits on the edge of the stage. I was up front in pvd, and didn't think the speakers were so big.. Only thing is, the band might set up far back on the stage (it's an arts theater, plays and such, big deep stage), so even a small speaker stack might block some sight lines.


    I'm sticking to the front row. How bad could it be?? That said, it's a tiny place, so 15 rows back is still gonna be great, might even be a better sound mix that far back. Still, close enough to see their fingers work sounds better to me than perhaps being under the balcony.... your mileage may vary...


    Knowing this venue and their excellent customer service, if you find night of show that your seats are a problem, I bet they'll switch your tickets that night.

  3. This might actually be worth the ridiculous prices they'll inevitably charge. Glad it's official. As for it being a crappy venue....I've always thought the sound at the Centurm was pretty good for an arena. Relatively small at 15,000 seats. The sight lines are good too; with nice long rows. It's got a gradual rise so that even in the nosebleed seats you feel like you're part of the show. Haven't been there since the '97 and '98 winter Phish shows, and I'm psyched to be going back. Rather here than the sterile Garden with their fancy VIP boxes taking up all the space, and pushing the balcony seats into the stratosphere.

  4. I don't know what my adrenals are, but I think they're spent.


    This show was that good. While I love the Pines venue and those shows from the past two years, and would love Wilco to come back to Look Park, this was something different. A different band than last year. The noise rock of yesteryear has given way to art rock soundscapes, with Nels Cline at the helm. ....to say nothing of the tender acoustic Tweedy ballads. Lots of highlights: Remember the Mountain Bed and California Stars from Mermaid Ave., Handshake Drugs becomes a monster of a song, PoorPlaces>Kidsmoke to end the set in a HUGE way. Probably the best double encore I've heard them do: the horns killed. Hate it Here - Walken - I'm the Man Who Loves You (knew we'd get that one). How could it possibly get bigger or better?!? When they finally broke into the Being There songs (the only two of the night, and in order no less) Monday > Outtasite, the place went nuts.

  5. ahem. seeing as how Ryan Adams is somewhat related to wilco, I thought I'd check in here. There doesn't seem to be a very active RA board for this kind of thing (but I might not be looking in the right place. directions please?)


    So....are there any extra RA tix around for the Somerville Theater show next Friday? Much thanks!!



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