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Posts posted by replacements75

  1. I too was won over by Morby by his set at SS. Even caught his pop up there.  Been a fan ever since.  I've listened to the stream of his new one a few times and I'm really loving it.  Waiting for my VinylMePlease pressing to arrive (just got the shipping notice today) I will post the pretty colors when it arrives!

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  2. Friday night = Mermaid show feat. Billy Bragg



    While i would love a Mermaid Avenue set for Firday, I was listening to the AM and Being There reissues today and it occurred to me that an awesome Friday set would just be non-album and b-sides set.  Between these new reissues and Alpha Mike Foxtrot there would be plenty of amazing setlists that they could come up with.  Perhaps we might even get another reissue with additional tracks before then.

  3. The new live album just rips! I'm not always the biggest fan of live albums but the sound on this is pristine and the band sounds ferocious.  Highlights include the band jumping into a teetering version of Answering Machine taking it from a near miss to one of the highlights of the set.



    Oh, if you can't tell from my nickname, I'm a bit of a Replacements/Westerberg/Stinson fan.

  4. Tommy Stinson's Bash & Pop at Mercury Lounge!  It will be the first show I'm attending this year and I can't wait.  Friday Night is Killing Me is perhaps my favorite post Replacements release from either Tommy or Paul.

  5. That's a good point. We'll never know who'd actually win every 4 years if every eligible voter actually voted.


    Quit saying "majority of american voters" Both candidates got about 25% from American Voters. 


    Majority of votes? Yes. Majority of voters? No. Half the voters did not vote. 


    Actually it is the "majority of american voters" because it was those who voted.  It would be incorrect to say the "majority of eligible american voters".  Sadly we will never ever know what all eligible voters think because somehow not every single person thinks it is important to vote but I think this entire election cycle has proven that everyone who can, should vote. Perhaps if all eligible voters had gotten out during the primaries we would have been presented with two more relatable candidates. But the point is it is a fact that of all those who voted which is all that maters, the majority of voters voted for Hilary Clinton and that is an undeniable fact and anyone who says that not winning the popular vote constitutes a "dominant victory" seems out of tune with math and statistics.  I would say what constitutes a "dominant victory" would be winning both the popular vote AND the electoral college count but perhaps that is just my opinion. But that most certainly did not occur.

    If you don't vote, you're not a voter.  Clinton got the majority of votes from the voters in this election.  That is a fact.  


    Damn you beat me to it as i was writing my long winded version of the same thing.

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