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Posts posted by replacements75

  1. Yeah, it's like 4th grade reading comprehension to me, too. As I read it, the DVD is the product. If you buy the product, they give you something else. Free.

    You're right, you can bitch and moan as much as you like. But that's not going to make the tracks available any faster. Also, I don't see anywhere in the press release where it says that they're going to be availabe within any specific time frame. :P



    First off:


    Yes but free would imply that you would have to do nothing to recieve it. As you say yourself "if you buy the product" and seeing as how you NEED to purchase said DVD to recieve them there is a cost involved ie not exactly free.



    And second:


    "I don't see anywhere in the press release where it says that they're going to be availabe within any specific time frame." It's funny that you had mentioned this because as I was writing my previous post it occured to me to mention that but I didn't and left my self open to your comment. But I have to agree and that is why I am not crying about not getting em yet. Though had no one complained Wilco HQ might have thought everything was hunky dory and the problems would never have been fixed. So there is something to be said about being the squeeky wheel.

  2. "The audio tracks of all the songs featured on the DVD also will be available for anyone who purchases Sunken Treasure to download for free."


    As stated in the press release means that essentially they are NOT free, but are included as part of buying the DVD. To me this is like 4th grade reading comprehension. What's the issue here? You have to buy something to get them, ie they are not free. There is no additional cost after purchasing the DVD but they are essentially packaged as one product.


    As for the technical difficulties, I think everyone has a right to bitch and moan if they like because the way the DVD was packaged and advertised clearly stated that the songs could be downloaded. This to me was a definite incentive to buy the DVD because I am much more likely to have an oppurtunity to listen to the tunes than to sit at home watching the DVD. I can listen to the songs in my car, while I do other things at home, while I ride the bus/subway. The DVD requires a bit more attention and does not have the portability as a cd or MP3 file. (Sorry at this time I am not one of those that has a DVD drop down screen in my car and I won't have one until Wilco packages one with their next product). Now I'm not complaining but I think that if I wanted to I have every right. It's not like we are complaining about the free streaming of some show. This is something that was promised to be available with the DVD.

  3. I have to agree as to the talent of said drummer. I was lucky enough to see him open for a Tweedy solo show here in NYC last year and it was fantastic. I never really though that sitting and watching a drummer solo for 40 minutes could be so entertaining. Although I do have a Max Roach record and that stuff is quite melodic and its all precussion. Needless to say Glenn adds an important dynamic to the band. Though the Glenn = Wilco stuff is a little over the top. I mean they wouldn't be as good without him but... they woudl still be Wilco. Honestly though I downloaded the YHF Engineer's demos and listening to those you can hear what Glenn brought to the later recordings of those songs. It's sad to say but the drumming on some of those tracks just sounds so lost. From what I understand those are the versions with Ken drumming on em. Either that or Glenn took some time finding the right stuff. In any case the songs came out a thousand times better in the end.

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