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Posts posted by IcculusDC

  1. In right at 10 am.


    I got Orchestra Row S 12 & 13 for Wolftrap in Vienna, VA.


    Not great -- not bad either. Wolftrap is such a great venue that anywhere in the Orchestra is a pretty good seat.


    Thought the system was much more responsive than the old presale system.

  2. Anyone have an extra ticket for this show? I missed the on-sale. Trying to plan a weekend back in Athens to visit friends, miss going to school there. And hi, I never post.


    You should post a ticket request under the How To Fight Loneliness forum.

  3. The crowd was very mellow--which was a nice change as no one around me was talking at all--which I really appreciated. Not too many obnoxious drunks either. The sound in the balcony was terrific. With everyone sitting down in the balcony it was a little different experience than usual, but I did not mind it so much as it really gave me a chance to focus on watching the band perform.


    IATTBYH->Spiders was just plain AWESOME. There was a lot of repetition from recent shows I have seen but this made my evening. If the rumor holds true that the next album is going to be a little more experimental/playing with crazy sounds/efx I think we could be in for a real treat. Like I mentioned early all the tunes that had dissonant/spaced out parts were terrifically played. I thought they really nailed the dynamic differences from the soft to loud parts in Via Chicago last night.

  4. What I'm most curious about is the song they opened with. I don't have every album, so maybe it was just something from an older album I'm not familiar with, but I had the feeling it was newer material they're working on. Feel free to correct me!


    Sunken Treasure.


    Your setlist is also missing(not sure of the order so I will let someone else chime in):


    You Are My Face

    Box Full of Letters

    Just That Simple

    Shot in the Arm


    Forget the Flowers

    California Stars

    Red Eyed and Blue ->

    I Got You




    The highlight for me was IATTBYH-> Spiders. Via Chicago was also really, really well played tonight. Also liked hearing Box Full of Letters. I thought some of the more dissonant songs/parts were the musical highlights of the evening.

  5. Thanks for the news Aman. :thumbup


    Today marks the anniversary of Phish's first show at Deer Creek (6/19/95). One of the best shows I ever saw them do - maybe even THE best. The vocal jam in YEM was just unreal. It was so reminiscent of the Mothers' "Weasels Ripped My Flesh" record - I was definitely hooked for life by this point!


    I saw the GD for the final time 2 weeks later at the same venue. There was no argument by this time - Phish had taken over.


    That show was a lot of fun. I also really enjoyed the Tela, PYITE, Reba section of the first set.

  6. Yeah, this one is gonna be a tough one. Unless you hate Dylan (which I know may be a few of you), how do you choose from among his 1960's and early 70's output?


    It's pretty close for me, between Freewheeling, Blood On the Tracks, and Nashville Skyline, but in the end...

    Nashville Skyline

    wins out, just for the sheer fun of it. As brilliant as all those albums are, my choice is the only one that really makes me smile outright.


    Good to see some love for Nashville Skyline. Definitely one of my favoourites up there with Blond on Blonde and Highway 61. This album is just straight up awesome. Duo with Johnny Cash, Charlie Daniels on Bass.


    Give to me my country pie. I won't throw it up in anybody's face


    What more do you need?

  7. Someone on the MMJ board reported this setlist from Bonnaroo last night. Lots of soul covers and some Sweet Nuthin'! :rock



    Evil Urges

    Off the Record


    Hot Fun (Sly & the Family Stone) with Jeff Coffin on saxophone and the Nashville/Louisville Horns

    Highly Suspicious

    What a Wonderful Man

    I'm Amazed

    Thank You Too

    Touch Me Pt 1

    Sec Walkin


    Two Halves


    Hit it and Quit it (Funkadelic)

    Tyrone (Erykah Badu)

    Steam Engine - with drum solo


    Aluminum Park

    Easy Morning Rebel with Jeff Coffin and the Nashville/Louisville Horns

    Dancefloors with Jeff Coffin and the Nashville/Louisville Horns

    One Big Holiday featuring Kirk Hammett of Metallica


    -- intermission --


    Cold Sweat (James Brown) with Jeff Coffin and the Nashville/Louisville Horns

    Get Down On It (Kool and the Gang) with Jeff Coffin and the Nashville/Louisville Horns

    Across 110th Street (Bobby Womack & Peace) with Jeff Coffin and the Nashville/Louisville Horns

    Wordless Chorus

    Phone Went West


    Oh Sweet Nuthin (Velvet Underground)


    Bermuda Highway - Jim solo


    Run Thru

    Smokin from Shootin

    Touch Me Pt 2

    Home Sweet Home (M

  8. I hope Amazon.com has their shit together and I don't have to wait too long after June 10 to get this. I was hoping the whole point of "pre-order" would be to make sure I got it the day of release. But, whatever. It sucks not having a decent record store in this town.


    Yeah -- that sucks. Whenever I have a release I am highly anticipating I run down to an indie store here a few days early and they almost always have it on the shelves before the release date -- in a big city the stores don't have a lot of room to hold records until they are officially released, so they tend to put the stuff out there as soon as they get it. :thumbup

  9. I am also a big fan. She has an amazing voice.


    I first heard her on XM at the end of last year. That voice just really reached out and grabbed me. It is very unique and powerful. When I looked her up and saw that T-Bone Burnett produced her last album(The Story) it was a must buy(I really admire is production work). Definitely did not dissapoint. A very solid ALBUM with many great songs top to bottom.

  10. I had this bad boy on a Maxell tape for years and it was the show that made me fall in love with the band back in college. Well, the first set at least. I dont think I had the second set on tape. So, this one is near and dear to my heart.


    I do think it's somewhat odd that there is some weird timing with me dipping my toes back into the Phish catalog (it hasn't really held, but I listened to a couple of shows last week) and Trey and Tom getting back together. :shifty


    6.22.94 is an absolute monster. A must have recording of the band at their peak. Unbelievable energy.


    You need to hear the second set. The string of madness to start the second set is one of my all time faves:


    2001->Mikes->Simple->Catapult->Simple->Icculus->Simple->Hydrogen->Weekapaug .....Nuff said :worship

  11. I tend to agree with you Moe in regards to the funk. I didn't see any of the post- Remain In Light shows that Fall of '96. My first experience with the cowfunk came in August of '97. My first thought was 'well, they know they've made it - I guess they don't want to have to work hard anymore'. It just seemed like they were coasting with that stuff.


    I think it's fine if you're sitting at home baked on the couch or whatever, but like you said if you're forking over the hard-earned (not to mention the time/emotional investment) you want things to be exciting - and it was a far cry from the twists and turns of a transcendent "Bowie" or "Reba".



    I saw a good chunk of the 97 summer tour and also caught some shows in the Fall. I think dismissing the funk period overall is a big mistake. I will agree in that summer tour was relatively unexciting as far as the funk jams(a non funk jam that is essential listening from that tour was the Gin from the Great Went -- amazing stuff), but that fall they really got it working. Take a listen to Dayton 12/7/97 -- the jam after Tube is ridiculously good. That show as a whole was easily one of the best shows I ever saw. (Saw around 50 shows from 1994-2000) The night before at the Palace in Auburn hills was excellent as well -- the tweezer was amazing. I think Fall of 1997 was one of their peaks as a band. That was the best music they played since fall of 1995 IMHO. Page and Trey would really lock in and play off each other in those jams, and the total sound was much more collaborative and improvisational than some of the previous stuff. I think 93-94 was their definite peak as a band, but they couldn't just continue to play that way in that style forever.


    The island tour in '98 was the real swan song as far as I am concerned. Their last major peak as a band. Looking back at it things were headed downhill and I think it is a good thing that they parted ways. They should have never came back from the Hiatus.

  12. I think I was the one that suggested arguing with the jamband label for Phish. I'd agree that other bands that are considered jambands aren't all that good. But I didn't even mean it that way. Just that I recognize that bands get stuck in boxes with labels for ease of reference. Like Wilco being an alt-country band, I agree that the most convenient box to put Phish in is "jamband."


    But Phish was a different band from night to night and even song to song for me. You want to tell me they weren't a bluegrass band (Poor Heart)? A barbershop quartet (Hello My Baby)? An arena rock band (Challkdust)? A Sinatra rip off (Lawn Boy)? The Beatles (10/31/94)? The first Jewish rockers (Aveenu Malkenu)? A funk band (Funky Bitch)?


    In essence, Phish was just a group of 4 guys who loved music as much as I did. And a concert (for me) was a chance to experience and share (with the crowd and the band) so many different aspects of music that I loved. To call Phish a jamband just missed the point for me. Phish wasn't a jamband. Phish was what you'd see if you could split open the head of a music lover and see what was floating around in there. Split Open and Melt.


    And I say this all as someone who basically hasn't listened to Phish is 7 years. :lol


    There are lot of great posts in this thread.


    To this day I have yet to see a band that connects with their audience so well. Phish fans are dedicated bunch and the band played into that by weaving in fun little tidbits into their shows. The simpsons licks, the all fall down bit, meatstick dance (LMAO) etc. They came up with a bunch of inside jokes with their fans as a way of bringing the audience in and making them feel like a part of the show. They also fed off the energy of their crowd and seemed to have a knack for pacing the songs in a show really well -- especially given the fact that the sets were not planned in advance.


    When that band was on, they were unbelievable. As mentioned above, nothing beats a live Reba, YEM, Harry Hood, Slave to the Traffic light, the list goes on and on. I agree that after New Years 2000 it was all downhill. Unfortunately great things cannot last forever.


    The one thing I think Wilco and Phish had in common was the understanding of the importance of dynamics in rock music. Both bands can rock yor face off, and then turn around and play a soft, melodic tune.


    Phish if you really listen to them are best described as an eclectic band...you can hear classical, jazz, rock, blues, bluegrass and ton of other different styles mixed into their hodgepodge sound -- a truly American band.

  13. I said it once I will say it again -- this matrix recording sounds great. I am VERY picky about sound quality for live shows and this is top notch.


    Well done YLTFAN and thanks a bunch for doing this...It is really appreciated. There have been many shows that get removed off of my ipod when they don't meet sound quality standards after a few listens -- this one is there to say.


    I will take a well mixed matrix any day over a straight SBD recording. Much more full dynamic sound typically.

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