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Posts posted by radiokills

  1. No, no, no. I'm not ragging on you. Honestly. It was just my backwards way of bringing up the subject of (un-)/importance of closers we've had around here of late. Sorry for the misunderstanding.


    communicating via interweb has a way of creating a fair amount of those. no worries :thumbup

  2. If the lead was 3 runs or less that requires a closer doing his job, correct? They mark that in the records by calling it a "save." Wagner saved the lead and consequently, the win. Good for him.


    i think all that was implied when i used the phrase "hold on." you see, last night, they also had a three run lead and were unable to win. if i had posted last night, i would have probably said, "wow, the mets are unable to hold on to a lead." i am genuinely sorry for not using proper baseball terminology.

  3. Yeah this is going to be a crazy week. I just hope people can chill out a bit and realize that no matter what happens we still have a looooong way to go. If this season (baseball or election) has taught us anything, it's that there is no such thing as momentum. The Mets just need to keep playing hard every day and not treat this series in July as the playoffs. The Mets of old would have won 2 of 3 in this series and then gotten swept by the Padres after this series was over given the inevitable let down.


    right on, even though they split with the reds i felt like they found ways to win when certain things weren't as sharp.


    but what is with this 12:00 start time on thursday? i wanted to go to a mets phillies night game but ended up getting tickets for friday night. should be fun regardless, if the rain holds out.

  4. World-premiering as the opening-night film of the 2008 Venice International Film Festival; a dark spy-comedy from Academy Award winners Joel and Ethan Coen.


    george clooney, brad pitt, john malkovich, frances mcdormand


    i vaguely remember reading a book with the same title, i'm not sure whether or not the film is based on the book.


    anyways, looks interesting.



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