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Posts posted by boywiththorninside

  1. I stand corrected. I didn't enjoy the show. I'm not sore right now from moving up and down with the music for two hours.


    Hell, you might be right about the crowd, the scene, whatever. I didn't notice. All I know is I hadn't seen the band in almost four years, and I enjoyed the hell out of that show.


    I wish I had tickets to Warsaw. I'd love to see them go through the motions again.

  2. Thanks for posting the set list. I was hoping someone got it down in proper order.


    I enjoyed the hell out of that show.


    Solid song selection, great energy, band tight, etc.


    Kotche is a beast.

  3. You've to get let people have it out. Let them speak their minds. As has been pointed out, no one is forced to read these posts against their will. I didn't like the ads and still have misgivings about them, but posting here and seeing what others had to say allowed me to put the whole thing in perspective.


    That said, if this baby reaches 100 pages, it is no longer a thread. It is a blood sport.



  4. Kobe's won, no doubt. But how many more rings would Kobe have if he could have avoided the drama and stayed with Shaq? Perhaps a few more. The thing is he can't avoid the headlines or the intrasquad turmoil. Like A-Rod, it follows him. Beware of the drama, that's all I'm saying. I know we're talking about different sports, but, as a Yankees fan, I can attest to the fact that having the best player in the game on your team isn't all it's cracked up to be.


    Additionally, Ben Gordon brought a championship to my undergrad school, so I'm completely biased and blind to any of his shortcomings.

  5. I'm not a Bulls fan, I don't follow them closely, but I wouldn't trade Ben Gordon. From what I've seen, he's one of the best young players in the NBA. He could be a premier scorer in the league. Kobe's great, but the guy's got baggage. He's like A-Rod. Unbelievable talent, but neverending drama. It's always something with him. I don't think a change of teams would alter that.

  6. These New York mayors seem to absorb an inflated sense of their national cache.


    Even Ed Koch has an exploratory committee.


    Nothing screams broad, national appeal like an old, gay, Jewish man who has publicy supported President Bush.

  7. The word on the street is David Stern is going to fix it so the Knicks land Kobe. I mean this literally. I overheard two guys on Atlantic Avenue discussing this very thing. They said Stern is going to fix this just like he fixed the '85 draft with Ewing. I hope they're right. And, really, why wouldn't they be? One of them was wearing a Marbury jersey. They're obviously in the know.

  8. I don't know what is about Iron and Wine. Except for "Endless Numbered Days," I listen to the stuff once, say "that's really good" and then never listen to it again. I'm not sure this new one will meet that fate. There are a couple songs on there that really stand out and deserve repeated listening.

  9. What songs have been featured in the ads? I've seen "Thanks I Get," "You are My Face," and "Sky Blue Sky." Have any others been released?


    I hate to always be negative about the campaign, but the "Sky Blue Sky" spot was simply bad. Two people leave a wedding, get into a VW, and play with the air conditioning while making faces at one another. Yikes.

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