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Posts posted by dannygutters

  1. Maybe I was also naive in thinking that Obama could get a respectable evangelical vote. I just assumed that evangelicals who can think straight would see health care, fair economic practices, and ending an unjust war more important than stopping gays from getting married and banning abortions.


    I don't think it's unrealistic to think the 'evangelical vote' is in-play with Obama. We have for so long assumed that this bloc would go to the republican side that it seems unthinkable. Like the previous poster said I do think theologically, the christian platform of social justice, fighting poverty, tolerance, and pacifism falls closer to the obama side of the fence interms of the war, economic distribution, healthcare, and others (certianly neither candidate emobdies any of these platforms completely, for example imagine how well a pacifist candidate for presidency would do (when was the last on? Debs?)).


    Theologically tho coming from a catholic background and ending up on the left side of things, I find the book itself quite prone to translation error, revision, embellishment and historical change (see constantine, many popes, vatican 1 vs 2. I mean comon, even within the book, Jesus says forget what you learned in the old testimate here's the new rules) and drasticly misapplied in modern wedge issues. They say the church is a pilgrim, or an entity striving towards perfection itself, why should the book be held as immutable when nothing else in the tradition is (I suppose I'd think differenty as a Protestant on this tho.. )

  2. We've been analyzing Obama, how about McCain? Here's one: McCain graduated from the Naval Academy cuz of his daddy. Obama was top or near the top of his class at Harvard.


    Hey that's not fair, you forgot to mention Mccain graduated second from the bottom of his class.

  3. i love insults.


    i'm starting to remember that anything anti-liberal isn't welcome here. if your not of the same mind you must be an idiot.


    thanks dannygutters.


    Sigh. I didn't say YOU were stupid, I said YOUR statement was stupid. Which it was. It was a poor generalization of several traits which you assume to be socialist leaning ones. You also condem a man in a country where we supposedly have freedom of association without criminalization.

  4. And call it what you want, but it's all socialism to me.


    What a stupid thing to say.


    Obama's no socialist in speech or action. Obama is a democratic centerist if you need to label him. He has no liberal stances outside of the centerist democrat platform on gun control or abortion or gay marriage. All these labels we use in politics are endemic to the continued selection of poor leaders. Every candidate in my lifetime has labeled himself as a christian of some type yet we've never had a pacifist president or one who added more than lipservice to working on poverty and hunger.

  5. All this navel gazing crap with Florida and Michigan leads to a question. What is really the value of the long and elaborate dance known as the presidential primary season?, asks the simpleton Canadian.


    a shorter primary would have helped hillary due to her overwhelming name recognition to obama. Had we had a month long debate period and national voter she would have faired much better. It's an arduous process, but if it gives the candidates a chance to get out to all the states then so be it. If we truely want to foster the notion that 'anyone can be president' I think a long primary is important to allow the dark horses to get ahead. on the other hand the cost factor tends to limit the anyone to anyone who has a lot of money.

  6. I like Jack's music a lot but that documentary depressed me. I felt bad for his daughter, it seems like everyone around him had to spend their lives making excuses for his coldness, like he had nothing to give when he wasn't on stage.

  7. My concern is, about many of his promises, he's not giving specifics about much of anything -- but particularly about Iraq. "I was against it from the start," got him the nomination. NOW what is he going to do?!?


    In every one of his primary speches (plus his michigan speech on the day of the va primary) he addressed several region specific plans.

    For example in the michican speech he addressed how to stimulate the auto economy and the region with a plan of tax breaks for green industries and alternative fuels and local manufacturing, and touched on ways of fostering job growth.


    If you have a point, it's that the media doesn't regurgitate specifics well enough for you. When you expect to get a fully detaled platform from the 4 min of election coverage on the local news this can seem to be the case. Although in their defence, trying to scale the local nature of the primary system to a national level on the content of region specific speeches is going to seem vague, a candidate is going to be building their support base with generalities on ideas and direction and local specifics rather than national level policy minutia. It's kind of a catch 22 because if you're not convinced on obama you're not going to be reading the speeches or the website unless you're intellectually curious and if you are intellectually curious you already know the claim of no specifics is a spurious one. My only suggestion is to either read up on him, or give him time to make his point in the national campaign.


    Also I think when those HD debates pop up the Handsome candidate will have an advantage.

  8. shoot, he's one of the guys I had hoped to see before he died. Good songs. Check out the live recording 'Rebel Voices'.


    Utah taught me that,


    A Long memory is the most radical idea in America.


    "Time is an enormous, long river, and I'm standing in it, just as you're standing in it.

    My elders are the tributaries, and everything they thought and every struggle

    they went through and everything they gave their lives to, and every song they

    created, and every poem that they laid down flows down to me - and if I take

    the time to ask, and if I take the time to see, and if I take the time to reach

    out, I can build that bridge between my world and theirs. I can reach down

    into that river and take out what I need to get through this world."

  9. conservatives are better at rationalizing inequalities.


    ignorance is apparently bliss.


    "Your Honor, years ago I recognized my kinship with all living beings, and I made up my mind that I was not one bit better than the meanest on earth. I said then, and I say now, that while there is a lower class, I am in it, and while there is a criminal element I am of it, and while there is a soul in prison, I am not free." - Eugene Debs (a liberal!)

  10. First post from the Mac Mini.


    ETA: Also, I like to view windows in full screen. Is there an easy way to expand screens (iTunes, Safari, Mail, etc.) to be full screen? Do I have expand them each time by dragging out the lower right hand corner?


    Hold down alt/option when you click the green maxamize button to do this. But, the default way osx maxamizes windows is to expand to the size needed to show the entire width of the thing you're looking at. You may want to play around with this and see if you like it better, If you have a large monitor you may not want textpad to take up the whole screen for 2 lines.

  11. Is it just me, or is there something inherently wrong with this sort of thing? Is the prick running for World's Biggest Asshole or something or other?



    Schneider: Did 'Operation Chaos' succeed in Indiana?

    Posted: 05:38 AM ET


    I dunno, it could probably be said that a corellation exists that democrats and people voting as democrats who listen to rush (I'm taking an assumption here that these people exist) tend to skew towards hillary but I'd hope not a causality. In the same way we can hem and haw about how the race of voters versus their choice is affected by racisim but there's no solid causality to be found.


    in summary, I hope for humanitys sake that at the end of the day people don't do what an asshole on the raido says.

  12. I think he covers a lack of ability to create a compelling narrative by over self awareness ('This is so ironic and symbolic what I'm doing in this scene... etc. I am Jack's post modern hipster detatchment') and shocking visuals. Like he wants to be the David Lynch of novels. But he's easy to read,so lets call him basically... the most hip of the airport authors?

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