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Posts posted by dannygutters

  1. I Lived there for 4 years for school and maybe I was completely out of it but there wasn't one, some bar cover bands and whatnot. And it's not like I wasn't looking I'd drive up to chicago or down to indy for shows all the time. Though that was 2003, maybe Its gotten better?

  2. I will use the PNC Arts Center as an example once more. I once thought I could save a bundle going to the box office at the venue. I get there wait in line and walla still a service charge almost as high as online?! How is this? Well the box office rep explained to me it is not a venue box office but a ticketmaster location thus they are not service charge free. I laughed then said ok if that is so I would like to buy a ticket for a show in NYC. A long silence ensued. Nope I can only can sell you tickets for events at the PNC!? You see the problem here?! :fish


    This is true, I tried to go to the venue to get FLight of the Conchords tickets the other week, I was around 15th in line before the sale started , sold out by the time I got to the box office around 20 min after noon, apparently they are just running a ticketmaster location and their tickets come from the same pool the online folks use. That really got me steamed, venues should at least hold SOME tickets at the box office.

  3. I haven't really enjoyed a ryan adams album since Heartbreaker


    I think my morning jacket sounds like the poor man's neil young


    I probably don't like the arcade fire because I saw them open for somobody when they were nobodys and said This is shit.


    Roots Revival is on the way back!


    'Dance' Music is Boring


    You're just Pretending to like 80s music


    I LIKE dylan's self portrait.. mostly

  4. This is an interesting thought. Are we genetically selected to expect a specific kind of story and resolution and when we don't get it the story is 'difficult'?


    A similar quote on storytelling I remember from an Interview with John Hodgman (topically it was a 9/11 anniversary talk, but the whole thing is here: http://www.mcsweeneys.net/2006/9/11hodgman.html), he says:


    "The second lesson plan that I had in those days was a very lazy assessment of storytelling's function, beginning in the oral tradition, when it served a civic purpose aside from getting you invited to cocktail parties. As I would explain to my adoring students, storytelling served initially in every culture three purposes: to inform, as in relay news and record history, to instruct, as in pass down a set of moral guidelines, and to entertain. We are, as regards this event and its unfolding, all too well informed. And as for entertainment: when I thought this was a bright idea, it was when I was younger and war seemed so far away. But I realize now that those in history whose lives were short and mean and threatened by sword and disease gathered and told stories not as leisure, but as desperately needed distraction, and reassurance that they were not alone. "


    Is our response of 'difficulty' to a story telling us it is a failure because the story did not serve these functions?


    Personally, I find it specious to blame TV for training a 'dumbing down' of audience expectations, I'm sure there were dummies before 1920.

  5. You laugh, but I think Arc is actually good driving music. Or, as Neil once put it, "It's rap music for white people!"


    Landing on Water isn't great, but there are a few good songs on it.


    I prefer landing on water to Everybody's Rockin'. Tho I love the wonderin' on that recent live release.

  6. yeah emil's tabs is a good page, That would be an excellent addition here, whoever is admin would only need to load the wiki software onto the server (something like wiki.viachicago.org) and we could create the pages by pasting the scattered tabs from around the forum into it. the beauty of wiki software is the ease in which anyone can edit. There is some markup syntax if you want to get fancy, but really it's not any harder than posting to the forum

  7. I haven't been to the one in Chicago, but haven't eaten at one of these in Dallas. It's great. Don't remember what the meal cost at this chain. The churrascaria in Memphis is about $40/person, but these things are all you can eat steak, lamb, chicken, etc.


    for a good steak try one of the Argentenian steakhouses, like Tango Sur.

  8. yeah that seems odd to me why there would be these huge pick guards on something with such a wide neck that you're probably going to be picking on. Did you ever see that guitar carter stanley used to play? It had a huge pickguard, covered pretty much the whole face.

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