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Preferred B

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Posts posted by Preferred B

  1. Recent shows: Jenny Lewis (just got back)


    ME TOO! I wish we'd said hi.


    Anyway, October promises to be very good to me concertwise, bookended by shows at the Pabst.


    Jenny Lewis

    Tilly and the Wall

    Andrew Bird

    tri-Wilco before a business trip! :D (Gotta love when that can work out)

    Jeff Tweedy


    November ... Decemberists, and maybe more! I'm hoping for Jon Brion to play Largo on my birthday.

  2. I'm so sorry, Jeff. From what I've seen, your mom was always superbly kind and friendly to all the strangers she must have met over the the years of being music mom - I'm sure that extended to all who met her. And now so many more people share in your loss. My thoughts are with you and your family.

  3. To the list of amazing and superbly random things on Madison public access TV we can add the current program, which seems to be called "Underground Perspective Curb Music." It's a homemade music chat show featuring a rapper in a Milwaukee Bucks warmup jacket, rambling about how he's got a 9-to-5 and a brother gotta do what a brother gotta do, referring to himself as the Midwest Monster, and now showing a selection of rap videos completely unedited.


    Words cannot express how much I love our public access. I hope they'll show the half-hour silent "meat on the grill" program again soon.

  4. Thanks for the suggestions, E!


    b--i've been meaning to ask: from where is you "tiny anvil" quote? it's hysterical.


    :lol It's from a cartoon at http://marriedtothesea.com.




    Go to the monthly archives pages to see them all displayed for a particular month. I had to hunt down the original cartoon from my sig, and found a couple other old favorites.







    Say, in third grade I knew how to knit. I'll bet I could learn again!

  5. We have so much talent around here! Especially the meatloaf.


    I have fits of craftiness every once in awhile. I currently have sitting around two lovely 5 inch square ceramic tiles that an awesome guy whose name starts with a "P" and ends with an "aul" brought me back from Portugal last year. Does anybody have any suggestions of what I could do with them? Bonus points if it involves something functional. I was thinking about incorporating them into a tabletop, but I'm really not sure I'm up to that task.

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