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Wilco Worshipper

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Posts posted by Wilco Worshipper

  1. same. im gettng Wilco overload. it's orgasmic



    INDEED!!! :wub



    Welcome to teh VC!


    Well, the nurse has come for me. Time to take out my teeth, do the Charleston, bitch about immigrants, and go to bed.


    Tomorrow, pudding!!11!11!! :dancing



    Thank you ALL for going with the flow rather than choosing to rip into me... :cheers

  2. Yeah, that "rtt" is where everyone goes to complain about their arthritis acting up when it's rainy outside.

    I hear it smells like mothballs in there!


    Welcome to the board...it's the primo spot for all l kinds of interesting and entertaining Wilco info. :thumbup



    lol...thank you to you, as well...I am SOOO going to pay for that comment. I see that now. I didn't mean it like that, but oh well...you reap what you sow, eh?!?

  3. :rotfl thanks! haha. i have a punk band and i often get accused of not being "punk" enough, and then when i play solo, i hear that i'm too punk. i guess you can't ever stray from the projection of appearance.


    the rtt, is a random thread. that's where i've gotten a chance to get to know people beyond the music discussions, etc. the pinned one is generally what people flock to, right now it's called "SBS's own..." anyway, if you feel like going to beyond the more theme-designated threads it's a good way to talk about completely random stuff with some very entertaining folks.



    Pretty funny stuff :yes



    I will be sure to check out "ummm", sounds like a great place for me...




    :wave Welcome!



    Thank you, thank you... :thumbup

  4. i'm not sure how i wouldn't look like someone who enjoys passion and art. but it's cool. i've gone out of my way to introduce everyone i know to teh wilco. they've been a huge influence on me and my own music.


    if you're feeling loopy sometime hunt down the rtt in the "umm" section.



    Oh, you do look like that...just not like the Wilco fans I've seen in MY lifetime...lol...They're all old n stuff...haha

    I see the passion/art for sure but you appear "hardcore", again it's all a GOOD thing.


    SO, I found the "umm" section, not sure what the "rtt" is that you are referring to. Please forgive me, as I am obviously new...

  5. exactly.

    i like your posts btw.

    they remind me of how i post. really passionate.



    Thank you SO MUCH, seriously...that really means a lot. I was honestly afraid I was coming off as obsessive/annoying but I've needed this outlet for so long now.


    Wilco means the world to me...

  6. Many apologies for my three posts in a row, my fingers are moving faster than my brain...




    I agree Nels on 'Impossible Germany' is incredible!!! That's STILL all I can hear in my head.


    And Glenn hitting the cymbal by accident...real life, man :lol

  7. i viewed it as a simple appreciation of age and the life he's lived so far.

    in the midst of a nostalgic memory of youth.

    that's wrong of course. haha.



    I think you hit it right, he didn't die after all that he's been through...as "simple" as that...like he said no having to read into any of his lyrics this time around...

  8. It is A-MA-ZING stuff, it reminds me of why I fell for them in the first place. I watched the DVD again today with a friend...Please Be Patient With Me made her cry. I felt bad but I was also happy, it hit her like it's suppose to...deep down. She's going thru a tough spot with her newlywed hubby and it TOTALLY applied. I love when friends of mine not only take the time to listen, but actually "feel" Wilco's music/Jeff's words...

  9. welcome to the land of the weird and wonderful. :wave

    also waiting for my preorder. i wonder how many threads i can whine about that in :unsure


    Thank you... :cheers


    I took a quick look at your MySpace...you certainly don't look like what I imagine the "typical Wilco fan" to look like, but that's a GOOD thing. I have friends your age that like some of the stuff you do but SOME reason are just SOOO resistance to just listening, never mind appreciating, what Jeff brings to the world of art. Oh well, more for me... :music

  10. I put on my new t-shirt for a bit yesterday. but haven't unleashed it on the world yet.



    When you do, please let me know what kind of reaction you get. Most of my friends don't have a clue about Wilco and that's actually alright by me. One of my friends thought they were gang-affiliated...lol...when they saw my shirt. I forgot about the ol' throw a pair of sneakers over the wires hanging in the street...means someone was just killed. Weird...but whatever


    So I looked at the shirt again (while wearing it) and to me...it's all about getting shot...in the soul (get it?!?)...either by art/music or love...


    Any thoughts?!?

  11. I saw "What Light" coming a mile away...it was okay...very quiet and serene...Jeff looked nice, like he actually cared about his appearance for a change...


    I would've loved to see them rock out "Shake It Off" or "Hate It Here", but I will take whatever I can get.


    I'm going to see them twice in the same week next month...ABSOLUTELY CANNOT WAIT!!!



    Until then, I've got my DVD and the album...woot!!!

  12. I've been looking for a place to talk with other Wilco fans, why oh WHY did it take me SOOOOOOOO long to look at their actual web page!!!


    I received my package today...watched the DVD twice...wore my shirt all day...and caught them on Letterman... : )



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