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Posts posted by Lotti

  1. Friends, I have admit to guilt for lack of full report from days past. I just make surface. All was happy time on long journey south from village with fierce good plan to make a bunk up with Professor from Stockholm but there was too much schnapps for rest of jovial occasion to be so factual. You can guess this eventuality! Ha ha! In place I make a hasty present of concert pic montage with some previous and subsequence. Last in memories was Professor from Stockholm making offer to Mr Jim to take to bar of “Skinkan Slammers” name. This is sports cocktail bar with theme of Greco-Roman wrestling. Cocktail is too fancy Danish for me but I will make enquire for outcome and pics. When making a talk of pics, Olsen say he have up close pic of youthful Mr Spencer hand patting bongos. This is sight of rare first time variety for sure. But when you want to be a Roman, then it is best to be in Rome, as we say in Sweden. Send PM for pics if this imagining pleasures you. I make setlist scribbling at concert and complete fierce decent attempt but scribbling was in tuck of ski pantings. Now this morning I have no pantings! But I am still with preferable boots! I try later to make a backwards step tracing to last sauna, but precisely this minute I need to have a recall where skidoo has parked. All is hazy problem in grog style, but do not make the little tear. Asphalt outcome is mini price for fierce party times in ABBA spirit! I survive - it is in my power. Believe!


    P.S. If anyone who read here find pantings, please make PM. I will send special package as way of thanks. They are in lemon variety, with for sure scribblings in tuck and also phone and address of barman, two waitermans, police sergeant, and ambulance driver I meet this night.

    P.P.S. It is fine to be not sneaky discreet when making contact. Olsen already know about barman, two waitermans, and police sergeant. He do not know about ambulance driver as he already stretched in rear full bladdered while I am comparted as passenger. But this is of no consequence. That is the Swedish way!


  2. BWpazJLCcAAhdcu.jpg


    Lady Smoker,


    I happy to speak and give you a participation. You can have no doubt of prediction of subject Ha ha! I attempt in your style as first experiment. It is not bad sample for sample number one.

    Usual custom here is to use hollowed walrus carcass for spooky lit exhibit, and make a twist of entrail into name of loved one. It takes a knowledge of the hunter as if too little blubber is extracted there can be fierce flame! There is this danger, but on the other foot, toasty entrail result can make the yummy treat and has alternate change from raw dish of same kind, though on peronal note I prefer squidgy experience. That is often the Swedish way.


    In spirit of this week here Mr Nels make a boo like the Lady Freda as a little shock! Happy spooking with ghoulies to all!






    P.S. Ensure carcass is still fresh - it is much fierce harder to make a delicate saw when Mr Jumping Frost has time to act!

  3. Mr Bhick, top three would be like following I present. Although research has brought many points above the earth this is top obvious sample for your beginning to give you a small inkle. Make PM if you have interest in more research detail (and for pics please confirm you are adult).

    Top number 'A': 12 of the November 1976 Mr Jeff Tweedy have initial hear of Dancing Queen when it has fierce pop storm success of first time in USA. Why all your people are so long backward in this respect remain deep misery. He has an ear glued to radio this day for sure! Maybe he invent the American style of booming box from this addiction. This is sudden idea of the momentary lightbulb that need more researchings.

    Top number 'B': 21 of the June 2013 Mr Jeff Tweedy and Wilco make a cover of Waterloo from the ABBA (to give an obvious name! Ha ha!) in public for first time. (PM for full list of prevoius soundcheck practise version through many years before Mr Jeff Tweedy is happy he can make a held candle to original version). In only blot on copied book they have need of an assist for the glitter from Luscious girls.

    Top number 'C': 23 of the September 2014 Mr Jeff Tweedy take full advantage of the female double throat of Luscious girls in style of the ABBA in new release. This is an obvious one for all and set pattern for splendid future for sure!


    P.S. Professor from Stockholm tell me to write for top number 'D' to sqeeze in: 31 of the October 1985 Mr Jeff Tweedy wear dress for first time. From personal view I am not so sure this has significance as dress was not so slinky style of the ABBA, but Professor from Stockholm make an insist it is day of special outcome. In latest vid promo Mr Jeff Tweedy make progress with use of blonde wigpiece in short and curlies eighty style of the Lady Agnetha, but dress still has no slink!

  4. Friends, this is well known code words for "ABBA min favorit" phrase when making request to enter occupied sauna. Positive response for romance interlude is "Ja här fantastiska" code - so you see how Mr Jeff Tweedy make a full circle with this joking line of punches? Of a course, this all sneaky code endeavour is hardly of a necessity here, as that is Swedish default way. So you do not need the necessity of a bush beating all around! Ha ha! But if elsewhere like a Denmark for an instant, then I recommend to avoid the the unexpected unpleasant. And do not have a plan to get all your hopes up there, because they are squalid! As great Mr William Shakespeare say of old in play of Omlette, there is something stinky in every Danish house. This still has a true hold and it is always sauna! Believe!



  5. http://www.philly.com/philly/entertainment/music/Talking-Wilco-Tweedy-and-1970s-Scandinavian-prog-rock-with-Jeff-Tweedy-.html


    Friends there is positive recent news that Mr Jeff Tweedy is on full correct track of the ABBA for new Wilco direction! He already pleasure us with the double female throat option and now he return to archives for more influence dose. I have confusion why he has the tremble to name of the ABBA in full print - perhaps he want to avoid others making a rival research to keep all way clear for pop chart success, or he avoid to confuse poor reporter who does not have any knowledge beyond the Five Maroons and the twerk dance. Mr Jeff Tweedy, do you not know that if you have eight gallons of the corn then underneath that is not the place to hide away your lighter, as we say in Sweden. Be proud of ABBA gift of inspiration!


    When asked what he's been listening to lately, Tweedy gave props to punk rockers Parquet Courts and garage rocker Ty Segall. He couldn't share the names of the bands he's been listening to the most, however, "because I can't pronounce them." The singer-guitarist said he's been spending a lot of time listening to re-issues of 1970s Scandinavian prog-rock. "I know that sounds just ridiculously obscure," he said. "But to me, that was still a time when any shape of music music could be considered a rock song. It wasn't being made to fit into an FM radio album oriented rock format. That is still a great source of inspiration for me."

    Even after this long time of familiarity Mr Jeff Tweedy still have oral problem with Lady Agnetha! Ha Ha! It is common issue so I offer a learning vid for perfection. Make a skip to 45 seconds stage for full correction. Listen and make a repetition until there in no spittle trickle. Keep handy hanky in case for failure in initial attempt.




    There is no doubting that prog rock classic reference is of Girl With Golden Hair miniature opera as makes a feature in ABBA The Album release. This is all clear for sure. I encourage all to revisit for enjoyment!




    P.S. Mr Jeff Tweedy I pass on good messages from all in village, except Professor from Stockholm who has had sad sulk time indoors this past week. I do not understand reason but outside I see full rubbish bin of ripped pics of your Mr George Clooney. To make a cheer up please send special PM with pic in corduroy suit with leather helmet and make the happy position with thumb up (also nunchucks again if a poss after success result of first pic).


    P.P.S. Corduroy suit was not of enough lemon. This is just me making a saying for improve not offence.

  6. Friends, pic in this spread remind that here we can see perfect denim combo tribute to the ABBA man style from TWEEDY man and child man pair. I appreciate! Mr Spencer Tweedy can be like a pod pee with Mr Bjorn if his hair can have more dangle. I set Christmas deadline for this perfect comparison. It is a challenge!






    P.S. Denim is fine style for the photo shot but beware damp patch spread from seepage at strenuous stage moment. This has negative chart impact for sure on audience although in modern times Mr Jeff Tweedy has benefit of the photoshopping for the later touch up in publicity view. In true times of the ABBA this was not available so strict professional approach to appropriate dress was a paramountain! This can still be decent lesson.

  7. Here is number two update!


    It is first little update to this original story to this very day! I have a warm heart cockle to see influence continue in hand me down from Mr Jeff Tweedy to new combo member. You see Mr Dorian Gray in style of famous Dancing Queen photo shooting session. It is a fierce match but he lack some sparkle.




    In final mode, here is influence of beloved Stig in demonstration of fine pair of Lady Agnetha and Mr Jeff Tweedy ladder shot. You see Lady Agnetha adopt principal of method singer as beloved Stig pioneer in similar way to your Mr Marlon Brando do for the acting, except with no cotton in mouth. To make mental preparation for song of Eagle, she must climb high, high. Only then like bird in sky can she sing with full interpretation. Mr Jeff Tweedy appreciate this musical tool benefit and use it for song in High As Hello. He is not so high as eagle Lady Agnetha since he has wobbled colly in this attempt after a few ringings, but even so it make a difference as all can tell even in lost mp3 format. How we miss fur tiled mind and ideas of beloved Stig! You agree, no?





  8. First here is present of strange story of emerge influence of the ABBA for Mr Jeff Tweedy. I do the corroborate of facts but all is initial spark from friend making special PM here. We thank for insight from a fly on wall friend who must have anomalous remains! We had no inkling this was such a story! But, when you do not know what chocolate is in your box then you are alive, as we say in Sweden.


    You see the ABBA with the little smurf statute in pic number ( A )? This was present as way of thanks for allowing to make cover of Dancing Queen classic on special Smurf combo album for Oz market. Professor from Stockholm tell me they have market niche for this in Oz land due to many queens living all in desert. I cannot make an imagine of this life, all cork dangle hat and flipper flop boot with no fur comfort and it is plain dingo is no dog type for a friend! Not to mention always problem of sand in icehole! But as beloved Stig teach, if there is a pop niche then there must be an exploit! So Smurf combo exploit. This was time ago, but friends can Goggle. Now, in coincide, behold at this exact time Mr Jeff Tweedy make a castanet himself for new niche after altering country fashion - keeping twang but with less volume in hats than usual 10 gallon. With childs in house he explore their sound for his niche and after a dabble with Mr Robert Square Sponge he fixate on Smurf style in private, and with their Dancing Queen in peculiar from special import disc. There is little to explain since until he found ABBA in life he was like music boat without an udder, so we make allowance for lack of originality in Dancing Queen version.


    He make a board for Wilco boys on his side, and in pic number ( B ) you see all in happy gathering circle rendezvous with Mr Father Abraham as if in the Smurf land. But no, it is in Lofty place all in ready preparation for next album venture in Smurf style. But they have tall and they do not have blue, so it is poor attempt! Ha ha! Although he had the pigs back on pop style of the ABBA in Oz, Mr Father Abraham being of the decent Nether region is not lying kind of the Danish, and he admit to Mr Jeff Tweedy source of favourite song. This is revelation to Mr Jeff Tweedy and he does not have longer scaly eyes. They drop and also he drop Smurfs like a hotpot, burning all records and it is start of the ABBA way for him like grace of arctic eagle risen from Smurf ashes!





    Mostly Mr Jeff Tweedy does not make a looking back since this time for sure, except when practising over shoulder look as for Take A Chance On Me video smoulder impact! But to a time from a time he can still wear old Smurf hat in malfunction of wardrobe or maybe secretive Mr Father Abraham nod of thanks for first info, despite shock look of Mr Mikael and other Wilco boys for potential opening of the bag for the cat of secret ABBA original influence.




    And while we make a talk of smoulder impact, Mr Pat has perfect capture of effect. He is fine pupil for sure!






    P.S. Personal update! All is well in village and reindeer pasture is fine. There is also some elk for variety of taste. I thank those who PM for update.

    P.P.S. I have too much research pics. Research number two in one minute!

  9. It is fine spectacle to pleasure us for breakfast impact at start of week, no? Luscious ladies have the pout style and hairy attitude of Lady Agnetha in perfect mode!

    I have shame that cameraman do not capture special boots of Mr Jeff Tweedy, but this all has demonstrate of full learning of ways from the ABBA and beloved Stig for sure.

    Now there is almost no necessary for the future instruction lesson - I do not tell Mr Jeff Tweedy's grandmother to make a suck on my eggs, as we say in Sweden.

    But research is habit of lifetime and there is always some fun in this past time through dark arctic nights, with a plus to spread learning to young members of Tweedy combo, so let us continue!




  10. I give a fierce welcome to the female double throat as best addition. I tell to Mr Jeff Tweedy many time, also with emphasis on use of pout move for audience frenzy effect.




    P.S. I also suggest pout move for Mr Jeff Tweedy but he has some reluctance for this facial as he forget personal mirror for dressing room practise. He send me selfish photo for advice. It has some smoulder value for sure but I say "Mr Jeff Tweedy I am not in frenzy". He do not reply to that PM as he is in likely sulk mode I suspect. Maybe I make him feel better to tell that Professor from Stockholm say he did have minor frenzy tremble from this pic, but he still prefer barechest pic with nanchucks, as I already write.




    Are you in frenzy? I am not suspecting.

  11. Those background vocals are great!

    Now to learn all the words before the 24th.


    Friend, I was smacking in my gob when I hear Mr Jeff Tweedy employ Lucius lady men for the female double throat. This is big correct step forward in his style for sure! In truth they are too small in the mixture, but it is starting point - big oak tree can make a grow from little a corn on the cob as we say in Sweden.



    P.S. You have glitter scarf? I can provide if you make special PM

  12. ... the poster for the shows and wilcoworld uses the name TWEEDY (again all caps)

    Name of group with all uppers style is fine plan in best tradition, and Mr Jeff Tweedy know this for sure!

    It is good sign for this project. I anticipate much in advance.


  13. ABBA_2844174b.jpg


    Who can forget day when the Abba make first step on international stage and set fire to pop world?


    If you are of the Abba then it is time for celebration of special day for sure, no?

    All in village here are in preparation mode of full swinging style. It is happy time and fine spectacle to see community pulling off together all in one direction with true aim in common. There is much bunting!


    I prepare you to also have route to successful party with pointy bullet hints in below layout.

    There is still two day of notice if you have had a lethargic or you have made a mind slip of this date! Make an act!



    • Do you have boots?
    • Do you have yellow flares (Question is only for men unless lady man choose low cut at hips with the stomach button display, which is acceptable in this case)
    • Do you have slinky style with accessories? (Question is primary for lady men but Professor from Stockholm can provide advice if you have the necessary incline)
    • Do you have cape? (Question is for men or lady men with no preference except that they must have experience of control when in full twirl without inconvenience to neighbour)
    • Dance hall is booked and location has easy access to woods?
    • All music of the Abba is in hand with categorisation for main duration of heavy dance passion with occassional smooch segment for coupling or schnapps refill?
    • Do you have full supply of meaty treat available for husky in preparation of possible several day absence in schnapps slumper?
    • Do you have full supply of meaty treat available for party stamina boost? Make a dedicated team for this preparation since it is vital task, but not too many - since if you want a guarantee of making a bad soup then you should organise many people to do the cooking, as we say in Sweden.
    • Do you have full space for skidoo parking? For classy touch perhaps make valet service available in special one-off.
    • Do you have 'No Disturbance' sign pinned to sauna door for when special dance floor move success lead to subsequent session for hanky-pancake in this convenient location?
    These are basics for memorable event that you will enjoy for sure. Please answer 'Yes' or 'No' to question and keep score. Judge your acceptability!


    10: Friend, you are a lurking one here from village who makes a little cheat. But I see funny side!

    7-9: Friend, you are of the Abba. Congratulations. I recommend to make a fine tune for total party success. You will not regret!

    4-6: Friend, there is place for the Abba in your life and you have inklings. Let this feeling make a blossom. Embrace!

    1-3: Friend, there is hope for you so please no desparation. Follow suggested plan!

    0 - You are a Danish one for sure.



    To get all in the sexy party mood here is sexy moment of morning banjo glory! You see how happy (in adult sense, ha ha!) is Mr Bjorn to be tempted by Lady Agnetha pumping the organ in hand in this style? To my mind this is better encouragement than the twerk movement of Milly Cystitus!






    P.S. Send PM for details of special dance floor move if you do not have the familiar. If necessary give details of special height or weight significance so I can make the adjustment. It can be configured!

    P.P.S. If lamp with fringer is to your taste I can supply details for purchase.


    I make an edit to show happy moment!


  14. Roadcase Shows #24 through #27 are made up of the recent 4 night run of Jeff Tweedy Solo Acoustic shows in Los Angeles, CA at Largo at the Coronet on Dec. 15th,16th,18th & 19th, 2013.

    It appears that 3 of the 4 of these Roadcase releases edit out songs from the full set lists (though night 4, 12/19/13, Roadcase #27 appears to be complete)- check the set lists for exact detailed info.


    Friend, do they include personal reading track? I send special PM to Mr Jeff Tweedy asking that royalty from this track be donated to Svaalsbad Harpoon Research Centre. It is fierce fine charity and cause close to heart, but not as close to heart as for walrus victim! Ha ha! But all enjoy meaty treat from time to time so where is harm?

    So far I wait for the respond. Do not have fear - I will be touching you when I have respond.


  15. Here is trove of detailed research of very special nature! Mr Jeff Tweedy makes decent change on his part with many good reason to justify - as in example here in arctic it is wise to keep minimum present to Mr Jack Frosting for bites of the meat and double vegetable when caught short after schnapps binge. Otherwise fur legging is never same! I cannot speak in public place concerning arrangements too close to bone of Mr Benny and Mr Bjorn, but it is synchronicity move in right direction. Send PM for the details if you have desire to copy their cats in this special effort. Amongst the other things there is advantage gain for Mr Jeff Tweedy in lycra suit performance for sure!
    In final way of adding, there is also opportunity for fan auction of wastage for Secreting Santa, no?
    P.S. Do not have the fear - there is no piercing attachment in special effort so no airport check-in delay on international tour.

  16. Way to go, Herr Lotti! :thumbup

    Friend, I am full of the happy for your reporting and from tone I sense you are also of the Abba? I make small correction to reporting. I am lady man! Believe! I send PM with pic from sauna as way of proof (please delete after time for the secret perusal).

    It is in season spirit that Mr Jeff Tweedy is poking me in a funny way, but shared Abba bond is strong to cope with such downs and ups. I am not offensive at this fierce bantering. He is fine fellow for sure despite not of standard as Mr Benny and Mr Bjorn in hairstyle preparation.

    Progress for second delivery is started. Olsen is making chopper swing this very minute. I am required!


    P.S. Any tapirs?

    P.P.S. In case of confusion, third hand in sauna pic is Olsen. Or perhaps Viktor from fish tackling shop. I forget details of this event.

  17. Lady Kidsmoke, it is fierce problem for sure! But we have hope! Believe! Professor from Stockholm always say how he would love to get hands on a minor, but he is not in summer holiday chalet this time, and we must take peaceful approach. We make the yoik and appeal to old spirits (and also spirit of Beloved Stig for more recent help).


    I make present of Yoik Idol winner of recent times for those who have the interest for power of spritial healing (sometime old way has force that even the Abba can miss in disco style).




    I also have the urge for you to support via http://reindeerherding.org/


    In a meanwhile, in evenings I spend some time on research to take a mind off this issue.


    Here is latest findings of little interesting treat - we see influence on iconic picure of the Wilco breakthrough film from the Abba photo shooting. This copy esplanade vision is clever ploy and for good reason film achieved this breakthrough! Mr Leroy Brown has correct attitude with arms but with this frantical activity must have dizzy sense of direction for him. It is not easy to achieve the pop superstar pinnacle and all must work to build up stamina for the gruelling promo. Maybe Mr Jeff Tweedy and others must have fatigue mode as they do not make the special gesture. All must make gym time to achieve required fitness for full impact! Of course, when Mr Jeff Tweedy soak up more of the Abba teaching he has a dawning note of this fact. So, sad to say there can be no more room for the dizzy spell for group members and Mr Leroy Brown had to make a depart.


    This is my lesson from the Abba to learning by Mr Jeff Tweedy for this day.




  18. Friends, arctic circle is unbroken for sure! Special PM from Mr Jeff Tweedy tell me that Mr Robert Zimmerframe is now of the Abba though in secret mode! He has immediate plan to travel to Sweden for more experience! He has already the boots of leather for party also, no? Only danger is Danish visit. Why does he have the necessary for this? I do not have a foggy clue! But more congrats to Mr Jeff Tweedy for this dedicated work! More research to be scheduled!




    "Bob Dylan will embark on an extensive European tour this October. the legendary singer-songwriter will get started in Oslo, Norway on October 10 before trekking across the continent. "

    Bob Dylan 2013 European Dates

    October 10 Oslo, Norway—Oslo Spektrum
    October 12 Stockholm, Sweden—Stockholm Waterfront
    October 13 Stockholm, Sweden—Stockholm Waterfront



  19. I congratulate for year of fierce achievement with Abba cover in moment of highlight for sure!

    Mr Jeff Tweedy, if I can make a technical speech, then we have had meeting when I make a shove of Abba t-shirt gift through car window one time. You have the memory? I have no doubting you keep safe this garment for special dance party occasion. Perhaps one day we will have opportunity for full facial exchange in happiness of discussion of the Abba in deep style. Maybe full facial is only possible dream when in living room of lucky auction, but who has knowledge? For several years past it was only dream to have the Wilco attempt cover homage to the Abba, and now it has come and passed! (Even if you have the timid like the arctic fox to attempt the double throat - but I forgive). In plus feature, sauna is plenty more condusive to full and frank facial with no pretence to hide. It is plain truth, so have a bear in mind please. Invite is sending now in PM for you to consider next time you are in my woody neck. But it is piney neck for sure! Ha ha!

    In meantimes, have some awe this day and here is choice song to learn as next cover!

    P.S. Is Mr Richard Thompson new best friend for reason he is also of the Abba? He demonstrate love with Money Money Money version years past. You see how the Abba bring joy of sharing and fierce immediate common bond to all who have place in their hearts. Believe! Is Mr Robert Zimmerframe of the Abba after recent touring? You had opportunity to teach? I wait for PM with news and pics.

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