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Posts posted by Scalzunfield

  1. Unfortunately, I pre-ordered the regular edition and only later learned that there was a deluxe edition... anybody willing to help me out with the bonus tracks?


    Likewise...I pre-ordered from Amazon months ago...

  2. I think if you're looking for something NOT self-involved with EITHER of those movies, you had the wrong mentality going in.


    I haven't seen Eat Pray Love because, thankfully, my soon-to-be wife had zero interest and that. However, we did see The Expendables with a group of friends on its premiere night and enjoyed it completely. I went in expecting nothing and ended up enjoying it just as a popcorn flick with no deep meaning or anything new/special.


    However, we saw Scott Pilgrim the same night and I was blown away by everything with that movie. Great stuff.

  3. Humor her and let her pick the song. She's the woman who gave birth to you and put up with all your bullshit while you were growing up.

    And, she loves you.


    Actually already tried that angle, she actually said she wanted it to be something we both wanted to hear which is why I'm thinking Louis Armstrong or The Beatles may be exactly the right choice.


    Picking the mother/son dance has been the toughest thing for us too. Trying to pick a song that conveys love but not in a creepy "I'm REALLY in love with you" kind of way.

  4. My fiance and I get married this Labor Day Weekend, here's the roster of songs so far:

    First Dance - "Real Love" by The Beatles

    Cake Cutting - "Question" by The Old 97s or possibly "You And I" by Wilco, both were up for First Dance too.

    Wedding Party Intros - "Poker Face" by Lady Gaga (South Park Remix w/Cartman singing)

    Groom/Mother Dance - "What A Wonderful World" by Louis Armstrong or "In My Life" by The Beatles

    Garter Dance/Toss - ?

    Bride/Father Dance - "Cinderella" by Steven Curtis Chapman

    Bouquet Toss - "Single Ladies" by Beyonce



    The last two were the fiance's choice (as they should be) but trying to find a song to do a mother/son dance to is tough when all the mother listens to is modern pop country and I'd rather drill holes through my head than listen to that...


    Anyone think Cali Stars would work for mother/son?

  5. how does roccoco not get you going, the music is awesome in that song


    The music in that song is good but the lyrics and constant repeating of "Roccoco" started to get to me. I dunno. I'm not giving up on it, I'm just not rushing back to listen to it again today.

  6. Some observations after the first time through:

    1-Didn't put me to sleep like Blitzen Trapper's new one, but it's easily in 2nd place for "Most Boring of '10."

    2-There is not a song on this album that even approaches any single song from the first album.

    3-Where did the energy from the first two albums go?

    4-The next person who uses the word "Suburbs" is getting a kick in the groin.

  7. After listening a few more times, not only am I unimpressed, but I don't really like either song at all. :(


    Same here. It lacks any feeling of adventure that their previous work just oozes (for lack of a better word).

  8. I understand why non-Lips fans wouldn't like it. I don't see it winning any new fans.


    I don't even see it keeping old fans around. It just confirms for me that I just can't get into this band for any reason anymore. I loved their output up through Yoshimi and then lost all interest. Embryonic was so dull that to this day I still have not been able to sit through it in one sitting. I like a couple of the individual songs but the album as a whole is pretty rough IMO.

  9. Last night's show at Chicago's Metro was definitely another excellent showing for a great band.


    By memory we got to hear every song off Shame Shame, 8 of the 11 tracks off Fate, 2 more off We All Belong, and of course "Fuck It" to close the show as has become par for the course for them.


    I still like "Worst Trip" for a show opener the best but they closed the main set with it last night and opened with "Stranger" instead.


    "Jackie Wants A Black Eye" is one of my early favs from the album and it was really neat live. If you haven't seen this guys, hop to it. They're a great live band and, while you lose a little bit of the intricacies from the albums, they make it up in pure energy.

  10. I've only heard Jeff do it solo, but it's really beautiful. Definitely slower and mellower than the electric crescendo-building version. There's nothing quite like the energy of hearing Spiders live, I won't lie. But I also really enjoy hearing the acoustic version. Just think of it as a different song altogether and maybe you won't be disappointed!


    See I'm completely sick of the 10 minute version of Spiders and have found myself longing more and more for the old mellowed-out version. Here's to hoping we get a full version of it in Chicago before they put it away for good...

  11. I love the Talking Heads. I think DB is a great songwriter. What is everyone's opinion on him? Has anyone seen True Stories?


    Love the Talking Heads but think True Stories (the movie)is absolute garbage. Not sure how I feel about David Byrne. Everything I've heard said about the man's personality isn't so flattering but damn if his songwriting output from '77 -> Little Creatures isn't some of the greatest stuff ever written.

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