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In a little rowboat

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Posts posted by In a little rowboat

  1. The two-on bronze saddles do (to my ears) sound better, but they are by their design, very difficult to get exact intonation because you cannot adjust each string individually. You shoudn't have much of an issue with this however, though it is best to make sure you have a string tree for strings 1 and 2 (the break angle on the headstock is very important to pitch). Bronze saddles will, over time, wear down faster under the strings than chrome, again not a huge issue.




  2. Does anyone know if this show was recorded?


    I saw a fella in the front row record the whole thing on some small video camera...i dont know what audio id expect...and you have to wonder if the guy'll share or not...but i guess theres hope...




  3. Nothings worse than a nay-sayer who doesn't offer his own solution.


    Not even sure I think theres even a problem to find a solution to...yeah there is collusion, but its not this huge conspiracy to screw fans, people get these seats...i never seem to have problems finding good tickets...there were several sets of good ticket availible on this board for face or best offer...


    If youre going to try to convince me that bigger fans with 'seniority' should have first rights to better seats, you won't...if your a fan youre going to do what it takes to get the seats you want, not fret and bitch about how you lost out on seats to someone else...$40 for ANY seat to see wilco seems reasonable to me, and alot cheaper than what you'd pay for any big act...if you make out with great seats, terrific, but how many fans do you figure dont have the opportunity to see them at all...?


    Never my intention to upset anyone...




  4. Uhh... thanks for taking what I said out of context and adding your own interpretation of what was not even there. You do realize that "You can thank the fine folks at Ticketmaster (& their collusion w/ the ticket brokers) for that debacle." & "The problem lies with Ticketmaster and their agreements with 3rd party agents" are the same conclusions, no? I pointed out the only mechanism that I have knowledge of that has offered a solution to our shared conclusion of the problem. Got anything else absolute to offer?


    Well glad we agree...absolutely...


    Wasnt trying to be a dick, just thought your solution sucked...



  5. I would like to see Wilco go the Pearl Jam route, in which fan club members get all the best seats (based upon seniority within the club)



    Absolute snobbery...i dont have time or desire to operate within some fan club, that doesnt make me less of a fan and shouldnt impact my equal access to seats...



    The problem lies with Ticketmaster and their agreements with 3rd party agents, not ticket buying fans...



  6. Went to Mississippi last week and it was head and shoulders above Little Rock.

    The wife and I were amazed at how low key *lame* the crowd/venue was

    What the hell was up with the front row?..........seemed like most of the folks up there had no idea who the band was and were contented sitting there half asleep throughout most of the evening..........early on, many folks rushed down front in the aisles to get in front of the stage but stopped - I guess out of respect of the funeral that was going on in the front row

    The band was great, but the crowd was awful.


    yea there was definately something wierd about some of the folks in the front/,middle...i stood thru the entire show, like every show i go to, I literally heard 2 fellas (obviously fans) telling people NOT to stand ('dont stand, this song isnt a 'standing song'...")...how snobby can you get? There were easily a dozen seats in the front not claimed by the concert's start until Jeff told people to fill in the empties ('those people are late...they know what tiime it starts...")...i know the band picked up on the lack of energy up there...worked for me i could see everything, a few pretty personal moments, you know eye contact with the band...the irony for me was the " ...come with me...come with me..." of the hell is chrome opener, and so many in the crowd didnt plan to go along...


    The security people stopped most everyone from coming down and standing in front, the ones without tickets up there, but they were allowed to stand on the sides of the aisles...



    I saw that hippy chick flash, too, she was bout 15 feet to my left...pretty funny...



  7. First time I ve seen them...far exceeded my expectations...wow


    Special thanks to whoever sold me those two 3rd row center seats for $30, got me laid...


    Jeff pointed right at me with "side with you if you side with me..." pretty badass


    Crowd was great and good people as well


    thanks ya'll




  8. ha i know BWW...


    yea GTs are the cheapest option that fender (and others) has for stock tubes...wow wish i could an amp tech that would give me new tubes hehe


    rubys are great, ebay has a health suppy of NOS tube of various brands...and there is a huge difference as you have found...


    A seldom suggested acquisition...a tube tester is a really nice thing to have should you continue to use valve electronics


    I picked one up for around $30 on ebay...itll help verifiy matched sets and let you assess the quality of NOS tubes from odd sources...I have a fender 65 DRRI, the 6v6 power tubes that come stock are a horrible match voltage wise...i have too search high and low to find acceptable replacements...


    glad your gear is rocking out!!




  9. I was going, but got offered a pretty sweet gig that night...so im driving 2 hours to Little Rock instead. Be alot easier to drive to MS though...but MS is outside with 50% chance of thunderstorms and two inch long mosquitoes, Little Rock inside w/ air conditioning...



  10. If you see a topic that you don't want to respond to, for whatever reason, then don't...


    Perfect!! I assume we're all here cause we have Wilco in common...its shameful to scare new members off


    Im new this board, but a five year moderator on others. There will always be new folks, old questions, etc...thousand post board members get a little snobby and do divert discussions and flame folks incessantly. From what ive seen, those things are far worse on other boards.


    Im and bit unclear (after reading) about your board etiquette---how are you really going to dictate 'internet etiquette'







  11. overly resonant notes are not uncommon---this breed of fender amps are 'tuned' just as much as a guitar would be...plus the wooden baffle carries tone as well as the speaker which is mounted in it...


    again, the amp still sounds good, id be much less concerned by the smell...rock on!





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