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In a little rowboat

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Posts posted by In a little rowboat

  1. having discussed this with my ER physician father, there are some interesting things to note about fentanyl...the drug is prescribed in a time release form only, either in a patch or a lozenge...fentanyl is up to 100 times as potent as morphine...the likehood of accidental overdose is not high in patients who follow doctor's orders because of the method of delivery, but has happened a few cases...people that have died almost always have used the illegally made version (powder), or abused the patch...


    pop says that prescribing fentanyl to someone with a past history of drug abuse is irresponsible unless constantly monitored, and it is not uncommon for such patients to either think they can handle mixing drug and/or alcohol with the script, or try to up a dosage, and that fentanyl skin patches should only be used by patients who were already taking other narcotic painkillers that didnt help ease pain....while there's no telling what really happened, there is something deeply saddening about where Jay was before he passed, let alone now...

  2. Yeah i think the CIJs were late 90s-early 00s...the japanese instruments started in 1980 when fender hadnt a domestic plant...they have a pretty tight reputation...


    This one is black with tortoise pickguard...i have ordered a mustang bridge replacement and a proper trem bar...should be nice! I think its only a couple years old...


    Having never owned or even played on a jazzmaster, im taking a leap of faith on this one, but cant imagine ill go wrong, esp at this price...

  3. This was easily one of the best Wilco shows I've ever seen. They played a lengthy show, filled with surprises. And Jeff seemed like he was having a blast, which was quite nice to see.I taped the show, and can upload it if anyone would like to EQ it and post it on dimeadozen or bttree. Let me know.



    i have this technology...

  4. The Les Paul in question is actually pretty new...a custom shop model (assuming we are talking abou t te same guitar) with an after market bigsby...there is a previous thread with an article on the gibson website mentioning it (ill go look)


    When i saw the band in Oxford he played it on its just that simple (i think)...

  5. Im not sure if you are talking about backing up the data oon your drive, or just having a copy of leopard as a back up in case you need it...i use time machine to back up data and use an external hard drive to archive projects, music, etc.


    I dont think there is a way to extract a working version of OSX from your computer to a dvd...did your mac not come with a DVD with OSX on it?

  6. i cant go for work reasons...i have a single ticket for the tucson show with grizzly bear june 18...face value ($35) and ship or whatever work for you...i really just want some one to enjoy this seat... pm me

  7. If i am reading the post correctly, you went from the external (powered) jack on the amp into the input on your laptop...?? BAD!


    First, check all of your drivers...although i suspect they will checkout...


    If this is the case, you might have done some serious damage to the soundcard in the computer...the ext speaker jack is designed to push a cabinet, and the laptops input jack is designed only for a line level signal...you might have fried the speakers in the laptop, but i suspect the soundcard would be damaged before even getting to the small speakers


    I cant really cant come up with anymore theories without actually seeing the laptop...i suspect you are in trouble with it...

  8. Don't worry, I wouldn't dream of purchasing a guitar I hadn't played (though I have had one purchased for me by someone else, and it through sheer luck, it worked out okay). I've given that same advice often. Years ago when I worked at a music store, I was amazed at the number of people who would come in and buy a guitar without playing it. They would say something to the effect of, "Well, I want an SG, that's an SG. Ring it up." Amazing.


    yup got here late again...been touring


    build one eh...am i that hardcore?


    well 2 things in your favor i reckon...


    first, $500 is pretty good place to be looking, and i have gotten to the point where i will never buy a guitar new again...just like a car you loose resale value and inherit a crappy or difficult warranty...yet, unlike a car, most acoustics get better with age...


    secondly, you live in nashville, a city with more music stores per citizen than anywhere in the us, save LA...you have alot of places to look and test drive


    so, having put that out there, id be looking for a used Yairi (a super value), guild, takamine (the japanese ones), or maybe higher end seagull (good stuff, youll want the spruce top one, not cedar)...you can some times find a used larrivee for about that, which would be a steal...the epiphone masterbuilt series gets good reviews, but i never played one, so caveat emptor...breedlove atlas series are in you range and are pretty good ( i have a 12 string model which is solid)


    one problem youre likely to run into is there arent too many builders that make anything but dreads in your price range...so if youre looking for something more on the crisp and middy side, could be tough...


    FWIW the martin suggested is about as far away from a 'martin' as you can get....its laminate except its top, too much glue for me...you can however usually find a d16gt for around 5 bills...i wouldnt bother with Ibanez, Dean, Fender, really most of the asian factories are tuning out good looking guitars that sound like shit...but one man's garbage is anothers gem...


    have fun shopping man...always a ball for me...ill keep my eyes open for something that might suit you here in memphis

  9. Gotta be alder, grain lines to light for walnut not enough swamp going on for ash, and hog is out of the question. I'm sure it's routed for two buckers. I would of changed that awful bridge also.


    yup on the wood...nope on the routing, most likely two single coil jag pickups...until the conversion...and i dont know from first hand exp, but my understanding is the stock jag/jazzmaster bridges are functionally lacking, prompting many to change to mustang style bridges...

  10. started with honners but would recommend the johnsons, built a bit better for my money...HOHNER PIEDMONT BLUES 7 HARMONICA HARP SET W/CASE, not bad for the money but totally beginner stuff (you get 7 keys for low $$)


    however, it is a better value to just spring for a lee oskar


    holders are a pain in the ass as they generally loosen up mid song and flop down---dont skimp here

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