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Basil II

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Posts posted by Basil II

  1. i took wellbutrin when I tried to quit smoking. it's an antidepressant, but supposedly helps curb the urges for nicotine too. is stopped after 3 days of it because it felt like my synapses were buzzing and it made me feel so on edge it was insane.


    how that shit is supposed to help people feel better is beyond me.




    I took it for depression.......I had some wierd pyshco-effcts as well......took myself off after a month.


    I would rather be fullly aware,cognigzant(sic) and depressed than go back to that.......



    BTW......I'm doin' pretty well....all things considered.




  2. BC asprin, anyone???-Robert.

    I'm guessing the "aggressive marketing" would be aimed at physicians and executed by Pharmaceutical Sales Reps. I can't imagine why anyone would love that job but on multiple occasions I have overheard young people expressing their desire to do that "when they grow up."It's insane how pill-dependent we are becoming. Sometimes it seems like everyone is on something for some problem. My Dad, who is eighty-one, offers to let me select from his buffet of pills (includes the -codones) every time I mention the slightest discomfort (toothache, headache, etc.) I decline...I don't even take Tylenol until I feel like I'm just torturing myself too unreasonably. I just go for the acupressure or rest until the pain passes.
    the less pills the better..... :thumbup -robert.
  3. Well, on the Eve of the 1983 New Year, KISS played the Rockford MetroCentre.


    I wasn't there, but friends of my parents' son (who was 5 yrs. older than I am) went, and I spent the entire NYE at that dude's house with my parents (who were playig cards and celebrating).


    I remember spending the bulk of the night watching this cool ass TV channel called MTV at this dude's tricked out family room setup with TV and a kickin' HI-FI.

    He was pissed that I had played his recoreds while he was at the show, but he forgave me because I put them away when I was done and didn;t leave them laying around. (plus he was stoned out of his gourd) My parents gave him some cash earlier in the night to buy me a t-shirt, but I got a jersey instead.

    (you 70s/early 80s concert goers know the kind of jersey I am talking about, white shirt with black 3/4 length sleeves)


    If my memory serves, they also had an IntelliVision video game that I played.


    I remember a lot of really awesome stuff for the first MTV NYE Special.


    Of course, I was in love with Martha Quinn, and thought JJ Jackson was the coolest cat ever...




    Damn Dude......you took me back......... :thumbup




  4. Really? Because the one thing I like about Wilco is you never know what they are going to sound like next. Sure, you can tell it's Wilco because of Jeff's voice, but other than that, there's no way I'd be able to tell YHF, Summerteeth and SBS (just to pick 3) are from the same band.


    There's no "Wilco sound". It's something you've attributed to them after the fact.





    It's all a bunch of folk ditties streched,smashed and busted all over.....




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